1. stoma(n = noun.plant) pore, stomate - a minute epidermal pore in a leaf or stem through which gases and water vapor can pass;
is a kind of aperture
has particulars: germ pore, hydathode, water pore, water stoma, lenticel
Derived forms adjective stomatal2, adjective stomatous2
2. stoma(n = noun.body) - a mouth or mouthlike opening (especially one created by surgery on the surface of the body to create an opening to an internal organ);
is a kind of opening, orifice, porta
is a part of colostomy, tracheostomy, tracheotomy
Derived forms adjective stomatal1, adjective stomatous3, adjective stomatous1
1. One of the minute apertures between the cells in many serous membranes. [1913 Webster]
2. The minute breathing pores of leaves or other organs opening into the intercellular spaces, and usually bordered by two contractile cells. [1913 Webster]
3. A stigma. See Stigma,
stoma, n. (pl. stomas or stomata)
1 Bot. a minute pore in the epidermis of a leaf.
2 a Zool. a small mouthlike opening in some lower animals. b Surgery a similar artificial orifice made in the stomach.
stomal adj.
mod.L f. Gk stoma -atos mouth