1. stooge(n = noun.person) flunkey, flunky, yes-man - a person of unquestioning obedience;
is a kind of follower
has particulars: pushover
Derived form verb stooge3
2. stooge(n = noun.person) butt, goat, laughingstock - a victim of ridicule or pranks;
is a kind of dupe, victim
has particulars: april fool
Derived form verb stooge2
1. stooge(v = verb.motion) - cruise in slow or routine flights;
is one way to cruise
Sample sentences:
Something ----s; Somebody ----s
2. stooge(v = verb.creation) - act as the stooge; "His role was to stooge for the popular comedian"
is one way to act, play, playact, roleplay
Derived form noun stooge2
Sample sentences:
Somebody ----s
3. stooge(v = verb.body) - act as a stooge, in a compliant or subordinate manner; "He stooged for the flamboyant Senator"
is one way to act, behave, do
Derived form noun stooge1
Sample sentences:
Somebody ----s
stooge, n. & v. colloq.
1 a butt or foil, esp. for a comedian.
2 an assistant or subordinate, esp. for routine or unpleasant work.
3 a compliant person; a puppet.
1 (foll. by for) act as a stooge for.
2 (foll. by about, around, etc.) move about aimlessly.
20th c.: orig. unkn.
N auxiliary, recruit, assistant, adjuvant, adjutant, ayudante, coaid, adjunct, help, helper, help mate, helping hand, midwife, colleague, partner, mate, confrere, cooperator, coadjutor, coadjutrix, collaborator, ally, friend, confidant, fidus Achates, pal, buddy, alter ego, confederate, accomplice, complice, accessory, accessory after the fact, particeps criminis, socius criminis, aide-de-camp, secretary, clerk, associate, marshal, right-hand, right-hand man, Friday, girl Friday, man Friday, gopher, gofer, candle- holder, bottle-holder, handmaid, servant, puppet, cat's-paw, jackal, tool, dupe, stooge, ame damnee, satellite, adherent, votary, sectarian, secretary, seconder, backer, upholder, abettor, advocate, partisan, champion, patron, friend at court, mediator, angel (theater, entertainment), friend in need, Jack at a pinch, deus ex machina, guardian angel, tutelary genius.