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Found 1 definition: tactual sensation.

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Noun tactual sensation has 2 senses

1.  tactual sensation(n = noun.cognition) feeling, tactile sensation, touch, touch sensation - the sensation produced by pressure receptors in the skin; "she likes the touch of silk on her skin"; "the surface had a greasy feeling"
is a kind of perception
has particulars: creepiness, cutaneous sensation, haptic sensation, skin sensation

2.  tactual sensation(n = noun.cognition) skin perceptiveness, tactility, touch perception - the faculty of perceiving (via the skin) pressure or heat or pain;
is a kind of somaesthesia, somaesthesis, somataesthesis, somatesthesia, somatic sense, somatic sensory system, somatosensory system, somesthesia, somesthesis


auditory sensation, cutaneous sensation, gustatory sensation, haptic sensation, olfactory sensation, pain sensation, painful sensation, pressure sensation, sensation, skin sensation, somatic sensation, tactile sensation, tactual, tactual exploration, taste sensation, touch sensation, visual sensation