tinned goods(n = noun.food) canned food, canned foods, canned goods - food preserved by canning; Array
is a kind of food product, foodstuff
has particulars: canned meat, tinned meat
N preservation, safe-keeping, conservation, maintenance, support, susteritation, conservatism, vis conservatrix, salvation, prophylaxis, preserver, preservative, additive, antibiotics, antifungals, biocide, hygiastics, hygiantics, cover, drugget, cordon sanitaire, canning, ensilage, tinned goods, canned goods, snake oil, spider webs, cure-all, laetrile, charm, preserving, conservative, prophylactic, preservatory, preservative, hygienic, preserved, unimpaired, unbroken, uninjured, unhurt, unsinged, unmarred, safe, safe and sound, intact, with a whole skin, nolumus leges Angliae mutari.
baked goods, bill of goods, canned goods, consumer goods, consumer's goods, deliver the goods, durable goods, fancy goods, get the goods, goods, green goods, hard goods, packaged goods, piece goods, producer's goods, soft goods, sporting goods, steelbow goods, stolen goods, tinned, tinned meat, use of goods and services, white goods, worldly goods, yard goods