top round(n = - roast cut from the round; usually suitable for roasting;
is a kind of joint, roast
all round, ask round, big top, bottom round, bring round, calash top, celery top pine, circle round, come round, daily round, humming top, king arthur's round table, knight of the round table, paper round, peg top, pull round, quarter round, rally round, round, round about, round and round, round angle, round arch, round bone, round clam, round dance, round dancing, round down, round file, round hand, round kumquat, round ligament of the uterus, round of drinks, round of golf, round off, round out, round robin, round scad, round shape, round shot, round steak, round table, round the bend, round the clock, round top, round trip, round up, round whitefish, round window, spinning top, tank top, theater in the round, tip top, top, top banana, top billing, top boot, top brass, top dog, top dressing, top executive, top fermentation, top fermenting yeast, top hat, top heavy, top lift, top notch, top of the inning, top of the line, top off, top onion, top out, top priority, top quark, top rake, top secret, top sergeant, top shape, top side, wear round, whip top, whipping top