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Found 1 definition: total aphasia.

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Noun total aphasia has 1 senses

   total aphasia(n = noun.state) global aphasia - loss of all ability to communicate;
is a kind of aphasia


acoustic aphasia, amnesic aphasia, amnestic aphasia, anomic aphasia, aphasia, associative aphasia, ataxic aphasia, auditory aphasia, broca's aphasia, conduction aphasia, expressive aphasia, fluent aphasia, global aphasia, grand total, impressive aphasia, motor aphasia, nominal aphasia, nonfluent aphasia, receptive aphasia, sensory aphasia, sum total, total, total darkness, total depravity, total eclipse, total heat, total hysterectomy, total loss, total parenteral nutrition, transcortical aphasia, visual aphasia, wernicke's aphasia