uranologist(n = noun.person) astronomer, stargazer - a physicist who studies astronomy;
is a kind of physicist
has particulars: astrophysicist, cosmologist, al-hasan ibn al-haytham, al-haytham, alhacen, alhazen, ibn al-haytham, anaximander, aristarchus of samos, bessel, friedrich wilhelm bessel, bowditch, nathaniel bowditch, brahe, tycho brahe, anders celsius, celsius, copernicus, mikolaj kopernik, nicolaus copernicus, eddington, sir arthur stanley eddington, eratosthenes, galileo, galileo galilei, george ellery hale, hale, asaph hall, hall, edmond halley, edmund halley, halley, herschel, sir frederick william herschel, sir william herschel, william herschel, herschel, john herschel, sir john frederick william herschel, sir john herschel, hipparchus, huggins, sir william huggins, hypatia, johan kepler, johannes kepler, kepler, gerard kuiper, gerard peter kuiper, kuiper, langley, samuel pierpoint langley, laplace, marquis de laplace, pierre simon de laplace, lovell, sir alfred charles bernard lovell, sir bernard lovell, lowell, percival lowell, maria mitchell, mitchell, johann muller, muller, regiomontanus, newcomb, simon newcomb, omar khayyam, jan hendrix oort, oort, benjamin peirce, peirce, claudius ptolemaeus, ptolemy, david rittenhouse, rittenhouse, henry norris russell, henry russell, russell, giovanni virginio schiaparelli, schiaparelli, harlow shapley, shapley, sitter, willem de sitter, thales, thales of miletus, clyde tombaugh, clyde william tombaugh, tombaugh
Derived form noun uranology1