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Found 2 definition: flower, basket.

flower top

Pos: Noun, Verb (transitive), Verb (intransitive)

Noun flower has 3 senses

1.  flower(n = noun.plant) - a plant cultivated for its blooms or blossoms;
is a kind of
angiosperm, flowering plant
has particulars: bloomer, paeony, peony, lesser celandine, pilewort, ranunculus ficaria, adonis annua, pheasant's-eye, anemone, windflower, anemonella thalictroides, rue anemone, aquilege, aquilegia, columbine, consolida ambigua, delphinium ajacis, rocket larkspur, delphinium, nigella, peace lily, spathe flower, spathiphyllum, arum lily, calla, calla lily, zantedeschia aethiopica, sandwort, garden pink, pink, babies'-breath, baby's breath, gypsophila paniculata, catchfly, lychnis, moehringia lateriflora, sandwort, moehringia mucosa, sandwort, bouncing bess, bouncing bet, hedge pink, saponaria officinalis, soapwort, campion, catchfly, silene, cow cockle, cowherb, saponaria vaccaria, vaccaria hispanica, vaccaria pyramidata, fig marigold, pebble plant, bachelor's button, globe amaranth, gomphrena globosa, nyctaginia capitata, scarlet musk flower, umbrellawort, four o'clock, portulaca, carolina spring beauty, claytonia caroliniana, clatonia lanceolata, spring beauty, claytonia virginica, virginia spring beauty, cheiranthus cheiri, erysimum cheiri, wallflower, prairie rocket, wallflower, prairie rocket, cheiranthus asperus, erysimum arkansanum, erysimum asperum, western wall flower, heliophila, damask violet, dame's violet, hesperis matronalis, sweet rocket, candytuft, lobularia maritima, sweet alison, sweet alyssum, malcolm stock, stock, malcolmia maritima, virginia stock, virginian stock, gillyflower, stock, schizopetalon, schizopetalon walkeri, poppy, corydalis, glaucium flavum, horn poppy, horned poppy, sea poppy, yellow horned poppy, composite, composite plant, ageratum, amberboa moschata, centaurea moschata, sweet sultan, ammobium, african daisy, arctotis stoechadifolia, arctotis venusta, blue-eyed african daisy, aster, daisy, brachycome iberidifolia, swan river daisy, calendula, callistephus chinensis, china aster, catananche, bachelor's button, bluebottle, centaurea cyanus, cornflower, centaurea imperialis, sweet sultan, chrysanthemum, ageratum, conoclinium coelestinum, eupatorium coelestinum, mist-flower, mistflower, cosmea, cosmos, brass buttons, cotula coronopifolia, billy buttons, dahlia, dahlia pinnata, cape marigold, star of the veldt, sun marigold, coneflower, blue daisy, blue marguerite, felicia amelloides, felicia bergeriana, kingfisher daisy, cotton rose, cudweed, filago, gazania, african daisy, helianthus, sunflower, layia platyglossa, tidy tips, tidytips, chrysanthemum leucanthemum, leucanthemum vulgare, marguerite, moon daisy, ox-eyed daisy, oxeye daisy, white daisy, lindheimera texana, texas star, african daisy, lonas annua, lonas inodora, yellow ageratum, cineraria, pericallis cruenta, senecio cruentus, florest's cineraria, pericallis hybrida, coneflower, white-topped aster, cornflower aster, stokes' aster, stokesia laevis, marigold, chrysanthemum coccineum, painted daisy, pyrethrum, tanacetum coccineum, mexican sunflower, tithonia, easter daisy, stemless daisy, townsendia exscapa, ursinia, xeranthemum, old maid, old maid flower, zinnia, blazing star, mentzelia laevicaulis, mentzelia livicaulis, bartonia, mentzelia lindleyi, orchid, orchidaceous plant, cyclamen, cyclamen purpurascens, cyclamen hederifolium, cyclamen neopolitanum, sowbread, shortia, centaury, gentian, begonia, sparaxis tricolor, wandflower, bessera elegans, coral drops, christmas bells, bellwort, merry bells, wild oats, polianthes tuberosa, tuberose, commelina, scabiosa, scabious, lithophragma affine, lithophragma affinis, tellima affinis, woodland star, achimenes, hot water plant, alsobia dianthiflora, episcia dianthiflora, lace-flower vine, african violet, saintpaulia ionantha, streptocarpus, phacelia, scorpion weed, scorpionweed, snapdragon, calceolaria, slipperwort, gerardia, butter-and-eggs, devil's flax, linaria vulgaris, toadflax, wild snapdragon, speedwell, veronica, browallia, bush violet, petunia, butterfly flower, poor man's orchid, schizanthus, verbena, vervain, valerian, centranthus ruber, french honeysuckle, red valerian
Derived forms verb flower1, adjective flowery1

2.  flower(n = noun.plant) bloom, blossom - reproductive organ of angiosperm plants especially one having showy or colorful parts;
is a kind of reproductive structure
is a part of angiosperm, flowering plant
has parts: stamen, pistil, carpel, ovary, floral leaf, chlamys, floral envelope, perianth, perigone, perigonium
has particulars: floret, floweret, apetalous flower, inflorescence, ray floret, ray flower, bud, chrysanthemum
Derived form verb flower1

3.  flower(n = noun.time) bloom, blossom, efflorescence, flush, heyday, peak, prime - the period of greatest prosperity or productivity;
is a kind of period, period of time, time period
has particulars: golden age

Verb flower has 1 senses

   flower(v = verb.change) bloom, blossom - produce or yield flowers; "The cherry tree bloomed"
is one way to develop
Derived forms noun flower2, noun flower1, noun flowering1
Sample sentences: Something ----s


flower, n. [OE. flour, OF. flour, flur, flor, F. fleur, fr. L. flos, floris. Cf. Blossom, Effloresce, Floret, Florid, Florin, Flour, Flourish.].

1.  In the popular sense, the bloom or blossom of a plant; the showy portion, usually of a different color, shape, and texture from the foliage. [1913 Webster]

2.  That part of a plant destined to produce seed, and hence including one or both of the sexual organs; an organ or combination of the organs of reproduction, whether inclosed by a circle of foliar parts or not. A complete flower consists of two essential parts, the stamens and the pistil, and two floral envelopes, the corolla and callyx. In mosses the flowers consist of a few special leaves surrounding or subtending organs called archegonia. See Blossom, and Corolla. [1913 Webster]
" If we examine a common flower, such for instance as a geranium, we shall find that it consists of: First, an outer envelope or calyx, sometimes tubular, sometimes consisting of separate leaves called sepals; secondly, an inner envelope or corolla, which is generally more or less colored, and which, like the calyx, is sometimes tubular, sometimes composed of separate leaves called petals; thirdly, one or more stamens, consisting of a stalk or filament and a head or anther, in which the pollen is produced; and fourthly, a pistil, which is situated in the center of the flower, and consists generally of three principal parts; one or more compartments at the base, each containing one or more seeds; the stalk or style; and the stigma, which in many familiar instances forms a small head, at the top of the style or ovary, and to which the pollen must find its way in order to fertilize the flower." Sir J. Lubbock. [1913 Webster]

3.  The fairest, freshest, and choicest part of anything; as, the flower of an army, or of a family; the state or time of freshness and bloom; as, the flower of life, that is, youth. [1913 Webster]
"The choice and flower of all things profitable the Psalms do more briefly contain." [1913 Webster]
"The flower of the chivalry of all Spain." [1913 Webster]
"A simple maiden in her flower
Is worth a hundred coats of arms.
" [1913 Webster]

4.  Grain pulverized; meal; flour. [1913 Webster]
"The flowers of grains, mixed with water, will make a sort of glue." [1913 Webster]

5.  A substance in the form of a powder, especially when condensed from sublimation; as, the flowers of sulphur. [1913 Webster]

6.  A figure of speech; an ornament of style. [1913 Webster]

7.  Ornamental type used chiefly for borders around pages, cards, etc. W. Savage. [1913 Webster]

8.  Menstrual discharges. Lev. xv. 24. [1913 Webster]

Animal flower (Zoöl.) See under Animal. -- Cut flowers, flowers cut from the stalk, as for making a bouquet. -- Flower bed, a plat in a garden for the cultivation of flowers. -- Flower beetle (Zoöl.), any beetle which feeds upon flowers, esp. any one of numerous small species of the genus Meligethes, family Nitidulidæ, some of which are injurious to crops. -- Flower bird (Zoöl.), an Australian bird of the genus Anthornis, allied to the honey eaters. -- Flower bud, an unopened flower. -- Flower clock, an assemblage of flowers which open and close at different hours of the day, thus indicating the time. -- Flower head (Bot.), a compound flower in which all the florets are sessile on their receptacle, as in the case of the daisy. -- Flower pecker (Zoöl.), one of a family (Dicæidæ) of small Indian and Australian birds. They resemble humming birds in habits. -- Flower piece. (a) A table ornament made of cut flowers. (b) (Fine Arts) A picture of flowers. -- Flower stalk (Bot.), the peduncle of a plant, or the stem that supports the flower or fructification.

flower, v. i. [From the noun. Cf. Flourish.].

1.  To blossom; to bloom; to expand the petals, as a plant; to produce flowers; as, this plant flowers in June. [1913 Webster]

2.  To come into the finest or fairest condition. [1913 Webster]
"Their lusty and flowering age." [1913 Webster]
"When flowered my youthful spring." [1913 Webster]

3.  To froth; to ferment gently, as new beer. [1913 Webster]
"That beer did flower a little." [1913 Webster]

4.  To come off as flowers by sublimation. [1913 Webster]
"Observations which have flowered off." [1913 Webster]

flower, v. t.

   To embellish with flowers; to adorn with imitated flowers; as, flowered silk. [1913 Webster]


flower, n. & v.
1 the part of a plant from which the fruit or seed is developed.
2 the reproductive organ in a plant containing one or more pistils or stamens or both, and usu. a corolla and calyx.
3 a blossom, esp. on a stem and used in bunches for decoration.
4 a plant cultivated or noted for its flowers.
5 (in pl.) ornamental phrases (flowers of speech).
1 intr. (of a plant) produce flowers; bloom or blossom.
2 intr. reach a peak.
3 tr. cause or allow (a plant) to flower.
4 tr. decorate with worked flowers or a floral design.

flower-bed a garden bed in which flowers are grown. flower-girl a woman who sells flowers, esp. in the street. flower-head = HEAD n. 4d. the flower of the best or best part of. flower people hippies carrying or wearing flowers as symbols of peace and love. flower power the ideas of the flower people regarded as an instrument in changing the world. flowers of sulphur Chem. a fine powder produced when sulphur evaporates and condenses. in flower with the flowers out.

flowered adj. (also in comb.). flowerless adj. flowerlike adj.

ME f. AF flur, OF flour, flor, f. L flos floris



N  goodness, excellence, merit, virtue, value, worth, price, super-excellence, supereminence, superiority, perfection, coup de maitre, masterpiece, chef d'ouvre, prime, flower, cream, elite, pick, A, nonesuch, nonpareil, creme de la creme, flower of the flock, cock of the roost, salt of the earth, champion, prodigy, tidbit, gem, gem of the first water, bijou, precious stone, jewel, pearl, diamond, ruby, brilliant, treasure, good thing, rara avis, one in a thousand, beneficence, good man, harmless, hurtless, unobnoxious, innocuous, innocent, inoffensive, beneficial, valuable, of value, serviceable, advantageous, edifying, profitable, salutary, favorable, propitious fair, good, good as gold, excellent, better, superior, above par, nice, fine, genuine, best, choice, select, picked, elect, recherche, rare, priceless, unparagoned, unparalleled, superlatively, good, bully, crackajack, giltedged, superfine, superexcellent, of the first water, first-rate, first-class, high- wrought, exquisite, very best, crack, prime, tiptop, capital, cardinal, standard, inimitable, admirable, estimable, praiseworthy, pleasing, couleur de rose, precious, of great price, costly, worth its weight in gold, worth a Jew's eye, priceless, invaluable, inestimable, precious as the apple of the eye, tolerable, up to the mark, unexceptionable, unobjectionable, satisfactory, tidy, in good condition, in fair condition, fresh, sound, beneficially, well, Jewels five words long, long may such goodness live!, the luxury of doing good.


VB  prosper, thrive, flourish, be prosperous, drive a roaring trade, do a booming business, go on well, go on smoothly, go on swimmingly, sail before the wind, swim with the tide, run smooth, run smoothly, run on all fours, rise in the world, get on in the world, work one's way, make one's way, look up, lift one's head, raise one's head, make one's fortune, feather one's nest, make one's pile, flower, blow, blossom, bloom, fructify, bear fruit, fatten, keep oneself afloat, keep one's head above water, hold one's head above water, land on one's feet, light on one's feet, light on one's legs, fall on one's legs, fall on one's feet, drop into a good thing, bear a charmed life, bask in the sunshine, have a good time of it, have a fine time of it, have a run of luck, have the good fortune, to, take a favorable turn, live on the fat of the land, live off the fat of the land, live in clover.


N  production, creation, construction, formation, fabrication, manufacture, building, architecture, erection, edification, coinage, diaster, organization, nisus formativus, putting together, establishment, workmanship, performance, achievement, flowering, fructification, inflorescence, bringing forth, parturition, birth, birth-throe, childbirth, delivery, confinement, accouchement, travail, labor, midwifery, obstetrics, geniture, gestation, assimilation, evolution, development, growth, entelechy, fertilization, gemination, germination, heterogamy, genesis, generation, epigenesis, procreation, progeneration, propagation, fecundation, impregnation, albumen, spontaneous generation, archegenesis, archebiosis, biogenesis, abiogenesis, digenesis, dysmerogenesis, eumerogenesis, heterogenesis, oogenesis, merogenesis, metogenesis, monogenesis, parthenogenesis, homogenesis, xenogenesis, authorship, publication, works, opus, oeuvre, biogeny, dissogeny, xenogeny, tocogony, vacuolization, edifice, building, structure, fabric, erection, pile, tower, flower, fruit, produced, producing, productive of, prolific, creative, formative, genetic, genial, genital, pregnant, enceinte, big with, fraught with, in the family way, teeming, parturient, in the straw, brought to bed of, puerperal, puerperous, digenetic, heterogenetic, oogenetic, xenogenetic, ectogenous, gamic, haematobious, sporogenous, sporophorous, architectonic, ex nihilo nihil, fiat lux, materiam superabat opus, nemo dat quod non habet.

VB  produce, perform, operate, do, make, gar, form, construct, fabricate, frame, contrive, manufacture, weave, forge, coin, carve, chisel, build, raise, edify, rear, erect, put together, set up, run up, establish, constitute, compose, organize, institute, achieve, accomplish, flower, bear fruit, fructify, teem, ean, yean, farrow, drop, pup, kitten, kindle, bear, lay, whelp, bring forth, give birth to, lie in, be brought to bed of, evolve, pullulate, usher into the world, make productive, create, beget, get, generate, fecundate, impregnate, procreate, progenerate, propagate, engender, bring into being, call into being, bring into existence, breed, hatch, develop, bring up, induce, superinduce, suscitate, cause, acquire.


N  beauty, the beautiful, to kalon, le beau ideal, aesthetics, callaesthetics, pulchritude, form, elegance, grace, beauty unadorned, natural beauty, symmetry, comeliness, fairness, polish, gloss, good effect, good looks, belle tournure, trigness, bloom, brilliancy, radiance, splendor, gorgeousness, magnificence, sublimity, sublimification, concinnity, delicacy, refinement, charm, je ne sais quoi, style, Venus, Aphrodite, Hebe, the Graces, Peri, Houri, Cupid, Apollo, Hyperion, Adonis, Antionous, Narcissus, peacock, butterfly, garden, flower of, pink of, bijou, jewel, work of art, flower, flow'ret gay, wildflower, rose, lily, anemone, asphodel, buttercup, crane's bill, daffodil, tulip, tiger lily, day lily, begonia, marigold, geranium, lily of the valley, ranunculus, rhododendron, windflower, pleasurableness, beautifying, landscaping, landscape gardening, decoration, calisthenics, beauty, hunk (of men), beautiful, beauteous, handsome, gorgeous, pretty, lovely, graceful, elegant, prepossessing, attractive, delicate, dainty, refined, fair, personable, comely, seemly, bonny, good-looking, well-favored, well-made, well-formed, well- proportioned, proper, shapely, symmetrical, harmonious, sightly, fit to be seen, passable, not amiss, goodly, dapper, tight, jimp, gimp, janty, jaunty, trig, natty, quaint, trim, tidy, neat, spruce, smart, tricksy, bright, bright eyed, rosy cheeked, cherry cheeked, rosy, ruddy, blooming, in full bloom, brilliant, shining, beamy, beaming, sparkling, splendid, resplendent, dazzling, glowing, glossy, sleek, rich, superb, magnificent, grand, fine, sublime, showy, specious, artistic, artistical, aesthetic, picturesque, pictorial, fait a peindre, well-composed, well grouped, well varied, curious, enchanting becoming, ornamental, undeformed, undefaced, unspotted, spotless, auxilium non leve vultus habet, beauty born of murmuring sound, flowers preach to us if we will hear, gratior ac pulchro veniens in corpore virtus, none but the brave deserve the fair, thou who hast the fatal gift of beauty.


N  ornament, floridness c, adj, turgidity, turgescence, altiloquence, declamation, teratology, well-rounded periods, elegance, orotundity, inversion, antithesis, alliteration, paronomasia, figurativeness, flourish, flowers of speech, flowers of rhetoric, frills of style, euphuism, euphemism, big-sounding words, high-sounding words, macrology, sesquipedalia verba, Alexandrine, inflation, pretension, rant, bombast, fustian, prose run mad, fine writing, sesquipedality, Minerva press, phrasemonger, euphuist, euphemist, ornament, beautified, ornate, florid, rich, flowery, euphuistic, euphemistic, sonorous, high-sounding, big-sounding, inflated, swelling, tumid, turgid, turgescent, pedantic, pompous, stilted, orotund, high flown, high flowing, sententious, rhetorical, declamatory, grandiose, grandiloquent, magniloquent, altiloquent, sesquipedal, sesquipedalian, Johnsonian, mouthy, bombastic, fustian, frothy, flashy, flaming, antithetical, alliterative, figurative, artificial, ore rutundo, ornament, ornamentation, ornamental art, ornature, ornateness, adornment, decoration, embellishment, architecture, jewelry, garnish, polish, varnish, French polish, veneer, japanning, lacquer, gilding, plating, ormolu, enamel, cloisonn_e, cosmetics (in general), makeup, eye shadow, rouge, face powder, lipstick, blush, pattern, diaper, powdering, paneling, graining, pargeting, detail, repousse (convexity), texture, richness, tracery, molding, fillet, listel, strapwork, coquillage, flourish, fleur-de-lis, arabesque, fret, anthemion, egg and tongue, egg and dart, astragal, zigzag, acanthus, cartouche, pilaster, bead, beading, champleve ware, cloisonne ware, frost work, Moresque, Morisco, tooling, embroidery, brocade, brocatelle, galloon, lace, fringe, trapping, border, edging, trimming, hanging, tapestry, arras, millinery, ermine, drap d'or, wreath, festoon, garland, chaplet, flower, nosegay, bouquet, posy, daisies pied and violets blue, tassel knot, shoulder knot, apaulette, epaulet, aigulet, frog, star, rosette, bow, feather, plume, pompom, panache, aigrette, finery, frippery, gewgaw, gimcrack, tinsel, spangle, clinquant, pinchbeck, paste, excess of ornament, gaud, pride, illustration, illumination, vignette, fleuron, head piece, tail piece, cul-de-lampe, flowers of rhetoric, work of art, ornamented, beautified, ornate, rich, gilt, begilt, tesselated, festooned, champleve, cloisonne, topiary, smart, gay, trickly, flowery, glittering, new gilt, new spangled, fine as a Mayday queen, fine as a fivepence, fine as a carrot fresh scraped, pranked out, bedight, well-groomed, in full dress, dressed to kill, dressed to the nines, dressed to advantage, in Sunday best, en grand tenue, en grande toilette, in best bib and tucker, endimanche, showy, flashy, gaudy, garish, gairish, gorgeous, ornamental, decorative, becoming.


N  repute, distinction, mark, name, figure, repute, reputation, good repute, high repute, note, notability, notoriety, eclat, the bubble reputation, vogue, celebrity, fame, famousness, renown, popularity, aura popularis, approbation, credit, succes d'estime, prestige, talk of the town, name to conjure with, glory, honor, luster, illustriousness, account, regard, respect, reputableness, respectability, good name, good report, fair name, dignity, stateliness, solemnity, grandeur, splendor, nobility, majesty, sublimity, rank, standing, brevet rank, precedence, pas, station, place, status, position, position in society, order, degree, baccalaureate, locus standi, caste, condition, greatness, eminence, height, importance, preeminence, supereminence, high mightiness, primacy, top of the ladder, top of the tree, elevation, ascent, superaltation, exaltation, dignification, aggrandizement, dedication, consecration, enthronement, canonization, celebration, enshrinement, glorification, hero, man of mark, great card, celebrity, worthy, lion, rara avis, notability, somebody, classman, man of rank, pillar of the state, pillar of the church, pillar of the community, chief, first fiddle, cynosure, mirror, flower, pink, pearl, paragon, choice and master spirits of the age, elite, star, sun, constellation, galaxy, ornament, honor, feather in one's cap, halo, aureole, nimbus, halo of glory, blaze of glory, blushing honors, laurels, memory, posthumous fame, niche in the temple of fame, immortality, immortal name, magni nominis umbra, distinguished, distingue, noted, of note, honored, popular, fashionable, in good odor in, favor, in high favor, reputable, respectable, creditable, remarkable, notable, notorious, celebrated, renowned, ion every one's mouth, talked of, famous, famed, far-famed, conspicuous, to the front, foremost, in the front rank, in the ascendant, imperishable, deathless, immortal, never fading, aere perennius, time honored, illustrious, glorious, splendid, brilliant, radiant, bright, full-blown, honorific, eminent, prominent, high, in the zenith, at the head of, at the top of the tree, peerless, of the first water, superior, supereminent, preeminent, great, dignified, proud, noble, honorable, worshipful, lordly, grand, stately, august, princely, imposing, solemn, transcendent, majestic, sacred, sublime, heaven- born, heroic, sans peur et sans reproche, sacrosanct, Int, hail!, all hail!, ave!, viva!, vive!, long life to!, banzai!, glory be to, honor be to?, one's name being in every mouth, one's name living for ever, sic itur ad astra, fama volat, aut Caesar aut nullus, not to know him argues oneself unknown, none but himself could be his parallel, palmam qui meruit ferat, above all Greek above all Roman fame, cineri gloria sera est, great is the glory for the strife is hard, honor virtutis praemium, immensum gloria calcar habet, the glory dies not and the grief is past, vivit post funera virtus.


N  vegetable, vegetable kingdom, flora, verdure, plant, tree, shrub, bush, creeper, herb, herbage, grass, annual, perennial, biennial, triennial, exotic, timber, forest, wood, woodlands, timberland, hurst, frith, holt, weald, park, chase, greenwood, brake, grove, copse, coppice, bocage, tope, clump of trees, thicket, spinet, spinney, underwood, brushwood, scrub, boscage, bosk, ceja, chaparal, motte, arboretum, bush, jungle, prairie, heath, heather, fern, bracken, furze, gorse, whin, grass, turf, pasture, pasturage, turbary, sedge, rush, weed, fungus, mushroom, toadstool, lichen, moss, conferva, mold, growth, alfalfa, alfilaria, banyan, blow, blowth, floret, petiole, pin grass, timothy, yam, yew, zinnia, foliage, branch, bough, ramage, stem, tigella, spray, leaf, flower, blossom, bine, flowering plant, timber tree, fruit tree, pulse, legume, vegetable, vegetal, vegetive, vegitous, herbaceous, herbal, botanic, sylvan, silvan, arborary, arboreous, arborescent, arborical, woody, grassy, verdant, verdurous, floral, mossy, lignous, ligneous, wooden, leguminous, vosky, cespitose, turf-like, turfy, endogenous, exogenous, green-robed senators of mighty woods, this is the forest primeval.


apetalous flower, artificial flower, balloon flower, basket flower, blanket flower, blood flower, blue cardinal flower, butterfly flower, canarybird flower, cardinal flower, carrion flower, chigger flower, christmas flower, compass flower, corkscrew flower, crepe flower, cuckoo flower, cushion flower, eastern pasque flower, evening trumpet flower, everlasting flower, fennel flower, fiesta flower, flame flower, flamingo flower, flannel flower, flower arrangement, flower bed, flower bud, flower chain, flower child, flower cluster, flower garden, flower gardening, flower girl, flower head, flower people, flower petal, flower power, flower stalk, flower state, flower store, gand flower, garland flower, globe flower, guinea flower, guinea-hen flower, helmet flower, honey flower, joseph's flower, leather flower, moccasin flower, narrow-leaved flame flower, nepal trumpet flower, new flower, nutmeg flower, old maid flower, paper flower, paradise flower, pasque flower, peacock flower, peacock flower fence, pincushion flower, pinwheel flower, proboscis flower, ray flower, redbird flower, satin flower, scarlet musk flower, sea flower, siberian wall flower, snail flower, spathe flower, spider flower, starfish flower, tassel flower, treasure flower, trumpet flower, velvet flower, venus's flower basket, western wall flower, wild flower, wonder flower

basket top

Pos: Noun

Noun basket has 4 senses

1.  basket(n = noun.artifact) handbasket - a container that is usually woven and has handles;
is a kind of container
has particulars: breadbasket, bushel basket, creel, frail, hamper, punnet, shopping basket, skep, wicker basket

2.  basket(n = noun.quantity) basketful - the quantity contained in a basket;
is a kind of containerful

3.  basket(n = noun.artifact) basketball hoop, hoop - horizontal circular metal hoop supporting a net through which players try to throw the basketball;
is a kind of basketball equipment, goal
Derived form noun basketeer1

4.  basket(n = noun.act) field goal - a score in basketball made by throwing the ball through the hoop;
is a kind of score
Derived form noun basketeer1


basket, n. [Of unknown origin. The modern Celtic words seem to be from the English.].

1.  A vessel made of osiers or other twigs, cane, rushes, splints, or other flexible material, interwoven. Dyer. [1913 Webster]

2.  The contents of a basket; as much as a basket contains; as, a basket of peaches. [1913 Webster]

3.  The bell or vase of the Corinthian capital. Gwilt. [1913 Webster]

4.  The two back seats facing one another on the outside of a stagecoach. Goldsmith. [1913 Webster]

5.  A container shaped like a basket{1}, even if made of solid material rather than woven; -- the top is often, but not always, open and without a lid. [PJC]

6.  a vessel suspended below a balloon, designed to carry people or measuring instruments for scientific research.
"The earliest balloons designed to carry people often had small vessels of woven flexible vegetable materials to hold the passengers, which resembled large baskets{1}, from which the name was derived." [PJC]

7.  A goal{3} consisting of a short cylindrical net suspended from a circular rim, which itself is attached at about ten feet above floor level to a backboard, placed at the end of a basketball court. In professional basketball, two such baskets are used, one at each end of the court, and each team may score only by passing the ball though its own basket. In informal games, only one such basket is often used. [PJC]

8.  An instance of scoring points by throwing the basketball through the basket; as, he threw four baskets in the first quarter; -- the ball must pass through the basket from above in order to score points. [PJC]

Basket fish (Zoöl.), an ophiuran of the genus Astrophyton, having the arms much branched. See Astrophyton. -- Basket hilt, a hilt with a covering wrought like basketwork to protect the hand. Hudibras. Hence, Basket-hilted, a. -- Basket work, work consisting of plaited osiers or twigs. -- Basket worm (Zoöl.), a lepidopterous insect of the genus Thyridopteryx and allied genera, esp. Thyridopteryx ephemeræformis. The larva makes and carries about a bag or basket-like case of silk and twigs, which it afterwards hangs up to shelter the pupa and wingless adult females. -- collection basket, a small basket{1} mounted on the end of a pole, used in churches to collect donations from those attending a church service; -- the long pole allows the collector to hold the basket in front of those at the end of the pew, while the collector remains in the aisle. waste basket, a basket{4} used to hold waste matter, such as discarded paper, commonly shaped like a truncated cone, with the wide end open and at the top. Vessels of other shapes, such as oblong containers, are also called waste baskets.

basket, v. t.

   To put into a basket. [1913 Webster]


basket, n.
1 a container made of interwoven cane etc.
2 a container resembling this.
3 the amount held by a basket.
4 the goal in basketball, or a goal scored.
5 Econ. a group or range (of currencies).
6 euphem. colloq. bastard.

basket weave a weave resembling that of a basket.

basketful n. (pl. -fuls).

AF & OF basket, AL baskettum, of unkn. orig.



N  receptacle, inclosure, recipient, receiver, reservatory, compartment, cell, cellule, follicle, hole, corner, niche, recess, nook, crypt, stall, pigeonhole, cove, oriel, cave, capsule, vesicle, cyst, pod, calyx, cancelli, utricle, bladder, pericarp, udder, stomach, paunch, venter, ventricle, crop, craw, maw, gizzard, breadbasket, mouth, pocket, pouch, fob, sheath, scabbard, socket, bag, sac, sack, saccule, wallet, cardcase, scrip, poke, knit, knapsack, haversack, sachel, satchel, reticule, budget, net, ditty bag, ditty box, housewife, hussif, saddlebags, portfolio, quiver, chest, box, coffer, caddy, case, casket, pyx, pix, caisson, desk, bureau, reliquary, trunk, portmanteau, band-box, valise, grip, grip sack, skippet, vasculum, boot, imperial, vache, cage, manger, rack, vessel, vase, bushel, barrel, canister, jar, pottle, basket, pannier, buck-basket, hopper, maund, creel, cran, crate, cradle, bassinet, wisket, whisket, jardiniere, corbeille, hamper, dosser, dorser, tray, hod, scuttle, utensil, brazier, cuspidor, spittoon, cistern, vat, caldron, barrel, cask, drum, puncheon, keg, rundlet, tun, butt, cag, firkin, kilderkin, carboy, amphora, bottle, jar, decanter, ewer, cruse, caraffe, crock, kit, canteen, flagon, demijohn, flask, flasket, stoup, noggin, vial, phial, cruet, caster, urn, epergne, salver, patella, tazza, patera, pig gin, big gin, tyg, nipperkin, pocket pistol, tub, bucket, pail, skeel, pot, tankard, jug, pitcher, mug, pipkin, galipot, gallipot, matrass, receiver, retort, alembic, bolthead, capsule, can, kettle, bowl, basin, jorum, punch bowl, cup, goblet, chalice, tumbler, glass, rummer, horn, saucepan, skillet, posnet, tureen, beaker, flask, Erlenmeyer flask, Florence flask, round-bottom flask, graduated cylinder, test tube, culture tube, pipette, Pasteur pipette, disposable pipette, syringe, vial, carboy, vacuum flask, Petri dish, microtiter tray, centrifuge tube, bail, beaker, billy, canakin, catch basin, catch drain, chatti, lota, mussuk, schooner, spider, terrine, toby, urceus, plate, platter, dish, trencher, calabash, porringer, potager, saucer, pan, crucible, glassware, tableware, vitrics, compote, gravy boat, creamer, sugar bowl, butter dish, mug, pitcher, punch bowl, chafing dish, shovel, trowel, spoon, spatula, ladle, dipper, tablespoon, watch glass, thimble, closet, commode, cupboard, cellaret, chiffonniere, locker, bin, bunker, buffet, press, clothespress, safe, sideboard, drawer, chest of drawers, chest on chest, highboy, lowboy, till, scrutoire, secretary, secretaire, davenport, bookcase, cabinet, canterbury, escritoire, etagere, vargueno, vitrine, chamber, apartment, room, cabin, office, court, hall, atrium, suite of rooms, apartment, flat, story, saloon, salon, parlor, by-room, cubicle, presence chamber, sitting room, best room, keeping room, drawing room, reception room, state room, gallery, cabinet, closet, pew, box, boudoir, adytum, sanctum, bedroom, dormitory, refectory, dining room, salle-a-manger, nursery, schoolroom, library, study, studio, billiard room, smoking room, den, stateroom, tablinum, tenement, bath room, bathroom, toilet, lavatory, powder room, john, jakes, necessary, loo, men's room, ladies' room, rest room, (uncleanness), 653 attic, loft, garret, cockloft, clerestory, cellar, vault, hold, cockpit, cubbyhole, cook house, entre-sol, mezzanine floor, ground floor, rez-de-chaussee, basement, kitchen, pantry, bawarchi-khana, scullery, offices, storeroom, lumber room, dairy, laundry, coach house, garage, hangar, outhouse, penthouse, lean-to, portico, porch, stoop, stope, veranda, patio, lanai, terrace, deck, lobby, court, courtyard, hall, vestibule, corridor, passage, breezeway, ante room, ante chamber, lounge, piazza, veranda, conservatory, greenhouse, bower, arbor, summerhouse, alcove, grotto, hermitage, lodging, bed, carriage, capsular, saccular, sacculated, recipient, ventricular, cystic, vascular, vesicular, cellular, camerated, locular, multilocular, polygastric, marsupial, siliquose, siliquous.


basket ash, basket fern, basket fish, basket flower, basket hilt, basket maker, basket oak, basket rummy, basket spikemoss, basket star, basket weave, basket willow, bushel basket, clothes basket, drain basket, laundry basket, litter basket, sewing basket, shopping basket, venus's flower basket, waste basket, waste-paper basket, wastepaper basket, wicker basket