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Found 1 definition: vine cactus.

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Pos: Noun Phrase

Noun vine cactus has 1 senses

   vine cactus(n = noun.plant) coachwhip, fouquieria splendens, jacob's staff, ocotillo - desert shrub of southwestern United States and Mexico having slender naked spiny branches that after the rainy season put forth foliage and clusters of red flowers; Array
is a kind of candlewood
is a member of fouquieria, genus fouquieria


allegheny vine, arbor vine, balloon vine, barbados-gooseberry vine, barrel cactus, black-eyed susan vine, cactus, cactus euphorbia, cactus family, cactus mouse, cactus wren, calabar-bean vine, canarybird vine, cantaloup vine, cantaloupe vine, chalice vine, china fleece vine, christmas cactus, cinnamon vine, common grape vine, common matrimony vine, coral vine, crab cactus, cross vine, cubeb vine, cucumber vine, cypress vine, easter cactus, easter lily vine, garambulla cactus, goa bean vine, golden barrel cactus, gourd vine, groundnut vine, guinea gold vine, hedgehog cactus, hottentot bread vine, hottentot's bread vine, jade vine, kiwi vine, knowlton's cactus, kudzu vine, lace-flower vine, love vine, madeira vine, matrimony vine, melon vine, mistletoe cactus, negro vine, orchid cactus, passionflower vine, peanut vine, pepper vine, pipe vine, pitahaya cactus, potato vine, prairie gourd vine, prickly pear cactus, pumpkin vine, railroad vine, rainbow cactus, rat's-tail cactus, rattail cactus, redbird cactus, russian cactus, russian vine, silk vine, silver lace vine, silver vine, soapberry vine, squash vine, squaw vine, staff vine, strainer vine, summer squash vine, sweet melon vine, sweet potato vine, tara vine, thanksgiving cactus, trumpet vine, uruguay potato vine, vase vine, vine, vine maple, vine snake, water vine, watermelon vine, white potato vine, wild potato vine, wild sweet potato vine, winter melon vine