1. withdraw(v = verb.motion) draw back, move back, pull away, pull back, recede, retire, retreat - pull back or move away or backward; "The enemy withdrew"; "The limo pulled away from the curb"
is one way to go, locomote, move, travel
Derived form noun withdrawal3
Sample sentences:
Something ----s; Somebody ----s; Somebody ----s something; Somebody ----s PP
2. withdraw(v = verb.social) retire - withdraw from active participation; "He retired from chess"
is one way to cease, discontinue, give up, lay off, quit, stop
Derived form noun withdrawal8
Sample sentences:
Somebody ----s PP
3. withdraw(v = verb.contact) disengage - release from something that holds fast, connects, or entangles; "I want to disengage myself from his influence"; "disengage the gears"
is one way to let go, let go of, release, relinquish
Derived forms noun withdrawal3, noun withdrawer3
Sample sentences:
Something ----s; Something is ----ing PP; Somebody ----s something; Something ----s something
4. withdraw(v = verb.possession) call back, call in, recall - cause to be returned; "recall the defective auto tires"; "The manufacturer tried to call back the spoilt yoghurt"
is one way to take
Sample sentences:
Somebody ----s something
5. withdraw(v = verb.communication) swallow, take back, unsay - take back what one has said; "He swallowed his words"
is one way to disown, renounce, repudiate
Derived form noun withdrawal1
Sample sentences:
Somebody ----s something
6. withdraw(v = verb.change) seclude, sequester, sequestrate - keep away from others; "He sequestered himself in his study to write a book"
is one way to insulate, isolate
Derived forms noun withdrawal3, noun withdrawer2
Sample sentences:
Somebody ----s somebody
7. withdraw(v = verb.social) adjourn, retire - break from a meeting or gathering; "We adjourned for lunch"; "The men retired to the library"
is one way to close, close down, close up, fold, shut down
Derived form noun withdrawal3
Sample sentences:
Somebody ----s; Somebody ----s PP
8. withdraw(v = verb.social) bow out - retire gracefully; "He bowed out when he realized he could no longer handle the demands of the chairmanship"
is one way to retire
Derived form noun withdrawal3
Sample sentences:
Somebody ----s
9. withdraw(v = verb.possession) draw, draw off, take out - remove (a commodity) from (a supply source); "She drew $2,000 from the account"; "The doctors drew medical supplies from the hospital's emergency bank"
is one way to remove, take, take away, withdraw
Antonym: deposit
Derived forms noun withdrawal2, noun withdrawer6
Sample sentences:
Somebody ----s something; Somebody ----s PP
10. withdraw(v = verb.emotion) retire - lose interest; "he retired from life when his wife died"
is one way to fatigue, jade, pall, tire, weary
Derived forms noun withdrawal4, noun withdrawer2
Sample sentences:
Somebody ----s; Somebody ----s PP
11. withdraw(v = verb.communication) back away, back out, crawfish, crawfish out, pull back, pull in one's horns, retreat - make a retreat from an earlier commitment or activity; "We'll have to crawfish out from meeting with him"; "He backed out of his earlier promise"; "The aggressive investment company pulled in its horns"
Derived forms noun withdrawal3, noun withdrawer5, noun withdrawer4
Sample sentences:
Somebody ----s
12. withdraw(v = verb.change) remove, take, take away - remove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract; "remove a threat"; "remove a wrapper"; "Remove the dirty dishes from the table"; "take the gun from your pocket"; "This machine withdraws heat from the environment"
Derived form noun withdrawal3
Sample sentences:
Somebody ----s something; Something ----s something; Somebody ----s something from somebody; Somebody ----s somebody PP
1. To take back or away, as what has been bestowed or enjoyed; to draw back; to cause to move away or retire; as, to withdraw aid, favor, capital, or the like. [1913 Webster]
"Impossible it is that God should withdraw his presence from anything." [1913 Webster]
2. To take back; to recall or retract; as, to withdraw false charges. [1913 Webster]
To retire; to retreat; to quit a company or place; to go away; as, he withdrew from the company. King Horn. [1913 Webster]
withdraw, v. (past withdrew; past part. withdrawn)
1 tr. pull or take aside or back (withdrew my hand).
2 tr. discontinue, cancel, retract (withdrew my support; the promise was later withdrawn).
3 tr. remove; take away (withdrew the child from school; withdrew their troops).
4 tr. take (money) out of an account.
5 intr. retire or go away; move away or back.
6 intr. (as withdrawn adj.) abnormally shy and unsociable; mentally detached.
withdrawing-room archaic = DRAWING-ROOM 1.
withdrawer n.
ME f. with- away (as WITH) + DRAW
VB subduct, subtract, deduct, deduce, bate, retrench, remove, withdraw, take from, take away, detract, garble, mutilate, amputate, detruncate, cut off, cut away, cut out, abscind, excise, pare, thin, prune, decimate, abrade, scrape, file, geld, castrate, eliminate, diminish, curtail, deprive of, weaken.
VB be absent, keep away, keep out of the way, play truant, absent oneself, stay away, keep aloof, hold aloof, withdraw, make oneself scarce, vacate, go away.
VB recede, regrade, return, revert, retreat, retire, retrograde, retrocede, back out, back down, balk, crawfish, crawl, withdraw, rebound, go back, come back, turn back, hark back, draw back, fall back, get back, put back, run back, lose ground, fall astern, drop astern, backwater, put about, backtrack, take the back track, veer round, double, wheel, countermarch, ebb, regurgitate, jib, shrink, shy, turn tail, turn round, turn upon one's heel, turn one's back upon, retrace one's steps, dance the back step, sound a retreat, beat a retreat, go home.
VB recede, go, move back, move from, retire, withdraw, shrink, back off, come away, move away, back away, go away, get away, drift away, depart, retreat, move off, stand off, sheer off, fall back, stand aside, run away, remove, shunt, distance.
VB depart, go away, take one's departure, set out, set off, march off, put off, start off, be off, move off, get off, whip off, pack off, go off, take oneself off, start, issue, march out, debouch, go forth, sally forth, sally, set forward, be gone, hail from, leave a place, quit, vacate, evacuate, abandon, go off the stage, make one's exit, retire, withdraw, remove, vamoose, vamose, go one's way, go along, go from home, take flight, take wing, spring, fly, flit, wing one's flight, fly away, whip away, embark, go on board, go aboard, set sail' put to sea, go to sea, sail, take ship, hoist blue Peter, get under way, weigh anchor, strike tents, decamp, walk one's chalks, cut one's stick, take leave, say good bye, bid goodbye, disappear, abscond, entrain, inspan.