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Found 1 definition: arable.

arable top

Pos: Adjective, Noun

Adjective arable has 1 senses

   arable(s = adj.all) cultivable, cultivatable, tillable - (of farmland) capable of being farmed productively;
Derived form noun arability1


arable, a. [F. arable, L. arabilis, fr. arare to plow, akin to Gr. , E. ear, to plow. See Earable.].

   Fit for plowing or tillage; -- hence, often applied to land which has been plowed or tilled. [1913 Webster]

arable, n.

   Arable land; plow land. [1913 Webster]


arable, adj. & n.
1 (of land) ploughed, or suitable for ploughing and crop production.
2 (of crops) that can be grown on arable land.
--n. arable land or crops.

F arable or L arabilis f. arare to plough



N  agriculture, cultivation, husbandry, farming, georgics, geoponics, tillage, agronomy, gardening, spade husbandry, vintage, horticulture, arboriculture, floriculture, landscape gardening, viticulture, husbandman, horticulturist, gardener, florist, agricultor, agriculturist, yeoman, farmer, cultivator, tiller of the soil, woodcutter, backwoodsman, granger, habitat, vigneron, viticulturist, Triptolemus, field, meadow, garden, botanic garden, winter garden, ornamental garden, flower garden, kitchen garden, market garden, hop garden, nursery, green house, hot house, conservatory, bed, border, seed plot, grassplot, grassplat, lawn, park, parterre, shrubbery, plantation, avenue, arboretum, pinery, pinetum, orchard, vineyard, vinery, orangery, farm, agricultural, agrarian, agrestic, arable, predial, rural, rustic, country, horticultural.