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Found 1 definition: audible.

audible top

Pos: Adjective

Noun audible has 1 senses

   audible(n = noun.act) - a football play is changed orally after both teams have assumed their positions at the line of scrimmage;
is a kind of
football play

Adjective audible has 1 senses

   audible(a = adj.all) hearable - heard or perceptible by the ear; "he spoke in an audible whisper"
Antonym: inaudible
Derived forms noun audibility1, noun audibleness1


audible, a. [LL. audibilis, fr. L. audire, auditum, to hear: cf. Gr. ear, L. auris, and E. ear.].

   Capable of being heard; loud enough to be heard; actually heard; as, an audible voice or whisper. [1913 Webster]

audible, n.

   That which may be heard. [1913 Webster]
"Visibles are swiftlier carried to the sense than audibles." [1913 Webster]


audible, adj. capable of being heard.

audibility n. audibleness n. audibly adv.

LL audibilis f. audire hear



N  sound, noise, strain, accent, twang, intonation, tone, cadence, sonorousness, audibility, resonance, voice, aspirate, ideophone, rough breathing, acoustics, phonics, phonetics, phonology, phonography, diacoustics, diaphonics, phonetism, sounding, soniferous, sonorous, sonorific, resonant, audible, distinct, stertorous, phonetic, phonic, phonocamptic, a thousand trills and quivering sounds, forensis strepitus.