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Found 1 definition: conceal.

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Pos: Verb (transitive)

Verb conceal has 2 senses

1.  conceal(v = verb.perception) hide - prevent from being seen or discovered; "Muslim women hide their faces"; "hide the money"
Derived forms noun concealing1, noun concealment1
Sample sentences: They conceal themselves

2.  conceal(v = verb.perception) hold back, hold in - hold back; keep from being perceived by others; "She conceals her anger well"
Derived forms noun concealing1, noun concealment3
Sample sentences: Somebody ----s something


conceal, v. t. [OF. conceler, L. concelare; con- + celareto hide; akin to AS. helan, G. hehlen, E. hele (to cover), helmet. See Hell, Helmet.].

   To hide or withdraw from observation; to cover; to cover or keep from sight; to prevent the discovery of; to withhold knowledge of. [1913 Webster]
"It is the glory of God to conceal a thing." [1913 Webster]
"Declare ye among the nations, . . . publish and conceal not." [1913 Webster]
"He which finds him shall deserve our thanks, . . .
He that conceals him, death.
"Bur double griefs afflict concealing hearts." [1913 Webster]
"Both dissemble deeply their affections." [1913 Webster]
"We have in these words a primary sense, which reveals a future state, and a secondary sense, which hides and secretes it." [1913 Webster]

Syn. -- To hide; secrete; screen; cover; disguise; dissemble; mask; veil; cloak; screen.


conceal, v.tr.
1 (often foll. by from) keep secret (concealed her motive from him).
2 not allow to be seen; hide (concealed the letter in her pocket).

concealer n. concealment n.

ME f. OF conceler f. L concelare (as com-, celare hide)



VB  cover, superpose, superimpose, overlay, overspread, wrap, encase, incase, face, case, veneer, pave, paper, tip, cap, bind, bulkhead, bulkhead in, clapboard, coat, paint, varnish, pay, incrust, stucco, dab, plaster, tar, wash, besmear, bedaub, anoint, do over, gild, plate, japan, lacquer, lacker, enamel, whitewash, parget, lay it on thick, overlie, overarch, endome, conceal, anodize, galvanize.


VB  be invisible, be hidden, lurk, escape notice, render invisible, conceal, put out of sight, not see, lose sight of.


VB  be unintelligible, require explanation, have a doubtful meaning, pass comprehension, render unintelligible, conceal, darken, confuse, perplex, not understand, lose, lose the clue, miss, not know what to make of, be able to make nothing of, give it up, not be able to account for, not be able to make either head or tail of, be at sea, wonder, see through a glass darkly, not understand one another, play at cross purposes.


VB  conceal, hide, secrete, put out of sight, lock up, seal up, bottle up, encrypt, encode, cipher, cover, screen, cloak, veil, shroud, cover up one's tracks, screen from sight, screen from observation, drawing the veil, draw the curtain, close the curtain, curtain, shade, eclipse, throw a view over, be cloud, be mask, mask, disguise, ensconce, muffle, smother, befog, whisper, keep from, keep back, keep to oneself, keep snug, keep close, keep secret, keep dark, bury, sink, suppress, keep from, keep from out of view, keep from out of sight, keep in the shade, throw into the shade, throw into background, stifle, hush up, smother, withhold, reserve, fence with a question, ignore, keep a secret, keep one's own counsel, hold one's tongue, make no sign, not let it go further, not breathe a word, not breathe a syllable about, not let the right hand know what the left is doing, hide one's light under a bushel, bury one's talent in a napkin, keep in the dark, leave in the dark, keep in the ignorance, blind, blind the eyes, blindfold, hoodwink, mystify, puzzle, bamboozle, be concealed, suffer an eclipse, retire from sight, couch, hide oneself, lie hid, lie in perdu, lie in close, lie in ambush (ambush), seclude oneself, lurk, sneak, skulk, slink, prowl, steal into, steal out of, steal by, steal along, play at bopeep, play at hide and seek, hide in holes and corners, still hunt.