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Found 1 definition: destine.

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Pos: Verb (transitive)

Verb destine has 2 senses

1.  destine(v = verb.communication) designate, doom, fate - decree or designate beforehand; "She was destined to become a great pianist"
is one way to ordain
Derived forms noun destination2, noun destination1
Sample sentences: Somebody ----s somebody to INFINITIVE

2.  destine(v = verb.cognition) designate, intend, specify - design or destine; "She was intended to become the director"
is one way to plan
Derived form noun destination2
Sample sentences: Somebody ----s somebody to INFINITIVE


destine, v.tr. (often foll. by to, for, or to + infin.) set apart; appoint; preordain; intend (destined him for the navy).

be destined to be fated or preordained to (was destined to become a great man).

ME f. F destiner f. L destinare (as DE-, stanare (unrecorded) settle f. stare stand)



VB  lie under a necessity, befated, be doomed, be destined, in for, under the necessity of, have no choice, have no alternative, be one's fate, to be pushed to the wall to be driven into a corne, to be unable to help, destine, doom, foredoom, devote, predestine, preordain, cast a spell, necessitate, compel.


VB  intend, purpose, design, mean, have to, propose to oneself, harbor a design, have in view, have in contemplation, have in one's eye, have in petto, have an eye to, bid for, labor for, be after, aspire after, endeavor after, be at, aim at, drive at, point at, level at, aspire at, take aim, set before oneself, study to, take upon oneself, take into one's head, meditate, contemplate of, think of, dream of, talk of, premeditate, compass, calculate, destine, destinate, propose, project, have a mind to, desire, pursue.