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Found 1 definition: dorsal.

dorsal top

Pos: Adjective

Adjective dorsal has 2 senses

1.  dorsal(a = adj.all) - belonging to or on or near the back or upper surface of an animal or organ or part; "the dorsal fin is the vertical fin on the back of a fish and certain marine mammals"
Derived forms noun dorsum2, noun dorsum1

2.  dorsal(a = adj.all) abaxial - facing away from the axis of an organ or organism; "the abaxial surface of a leaf is the underside or side facing away from the stem"


dorsal, adj. Anat., Zool., & Bot.
1 of, on, or near the back (cf. VENTRAL).
2 ridge-shaped.

dorsally adv.

F dorsal or LL dorsalis f. L dorsum back



N  rear, back, posteriority, rear rank, rear guard, background, hinterland, occiput, nape, chine, heels, tail, rump, croup, buttock, posteriors, backside scut, breech, dorsum, loin, dorsal region, lumbar region, hind quarters, aitchbone, natch, natch bone, stern, poop, afterpart, heelpiece, crupper, wake, train, reverse, other side of the shield, back, rear, hind, hinder, hindmost, hindermost, postern, posterior, dorsal, after, caudal, lumbar, mizzen, tergal, behind, in the rear, in the background, behind one's back, at the heels of, at the tail of, at the back of, back to back, after, aft, abaft, astern, sternmost, aback, rearward, ogni medaglia ha il suo rovescio, the other side of the coin.


dorsal fin, dorsal scapular vein, dorsal vertebra