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Found 1 definition: header.

header top

Pos: Noun

Noun header has 7 senses

1.  header(n = noun.communication) head, heading - a line of text serving to indicate what the passage below it is about; "the heading seemed to have little to do with the text"
is a kind of line
has particulars: crosshead, crossheading, headline, newspaper headline, lemma, rubric, running head, running headline, subhead, subheading, rubric, statute title, title
Derived form verb head7

2.  header(n = noun.artifact) lintel - horizontal beam used as a finishing piece over a door or window;
is a kind of beam

3.  header(n = noun.artifact) cope, coping - brick that is laid sideways at the top of a wall;
is a kind of brick
is a part of wall

4.  header(n = noun.artifact) - a framing member crossing and supporting the ends of joists, studs, or rafters so as to transfer their weight to parallel joists, studs, or rafters;
is a kind of

5.  header(n = noun.artifact) - a machine that cuts the heads off grain and moves them into a wagon;
is a kind of
harvester, reaper

6.  header(n = noun.act) - (soccer) the act of hitting the ball with your head;
is a kind of
hit, hitting, striking

7.  header(n = noun.act) - a headlong jump (or fall); "he took a header into the shrubbery"
is a kind of
jump, jumping


header, n.

1.  One who, or that which, heads nails, rivets, etc., esp. a machine for heading. [1913 Webster]

2.  One who heads a movement, a party, or a mob; head; chief; leader. [1913 Webster]

3.  A brick or stone laid with its shorter face or head in the surface of the wall. [1913 Webster]

4.  A reaper for wheat, that cuts off the heads only. [1913 Webster]

5.  A fall or plunge head first, as while riding a bicycle, or a skateboard, or in bathing; -- sometimes, implying the striking of the head on the ground; as, to take a header. [PJC]


header, n.
1 Football a shot or pass made with the head.
2 colloq. a headlong fall or dive.
3 a brick or stone laid at right angles to the face of a wall.
4 (in full header-tank) a tank of water etc. maintaining pressure in a plumbing system.



N  plunge, dip, dive, header, ducking, diver.


double header