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Found 1 definition: humiliate.

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Pos: Verb (transitive)

Verb humiliate has 1 senses

   humiliate(v = verb.emotion) abase, chagrin, humble, mortify - cause to feel shame; hurt the pride of; "He humiliated his colleague by criticising him in front of the boss"
is one way to bruise, hurt, injure, offend, spite, wound
Derived forms noun humiliation4, noun humiliation3, noun humiliation2, noun humiliation1
Sample sentences: Sam cannot humiliate Sue


humiliate, v. t. [L. humiliatus, p. p. of humiliare. See Humble.].

   To reduce to a lower position in one's own eyes, or in the eyes of others; to cause a loss of pride or dignity; to humble; to mortify. [1913 Webster]
"We stand humiliated rather than encouraged." [1913 Webster]


humiliate, v.tr. make humble; injure the dignity or self-respect of.

humiliating adj. humiliatingly adv. humiliation n. humiliator n.

LL humiliare (as HUMBLE)



VB  be humble, deign, vouchsafe, condescend, humble oneself, demean oneself, stoop, stoop to conquer, carry coals, submit, submit with a good grace, yield the palm, lower one's tone, lower one's note, sing small, draw in one's horns, sober down, hide one's face, hide one's diminished head, not dare to show one's face, take shame to oneself, not have a word to say for oneself, feel shame, be conscious of shame, feel disgrace, be conscious of disgrace, drink the cup of humiliation to the dregs, blush for, blush up to the eves, redden, change color, color up, hang one's head, look foolish, feel small, render humble, humble, humiliate, let down, set down, take down, tread down, frown down, snub, abash, abase, make one sing small, strike dumb, teach one his distance, put down, take down a peg, take down a peg lower, throw into the shade, cast into the shade, stare out of countenance, put out of countenance, put to the blush, confuse, ashame, mortify, disgrace, crush, send away with a flea in one's ear, get a setdown.