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Found 1 definition: insipid.

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Pos: Adjective

Adjective insipid has 2 senses

1.  insipid(s = adj.all) bland, flat, flavorless, flavourless, savorless, savourless, vapid - lacking taste or flavor or tang; "a bland diet"; "insipid hospital food"; "flavorless supermarket tomatoes"; "vapid beer"; "vapid tea"
Derived forms noun insipidity2, noun insipidness2

2.  insipid(s = adj.all) jejune - lacking interest or significance or impact; "an insipid personality"; "jejune novel"
Derived form noun insipidness1


insipid, a. [L. insipidus; pref. in- not + sapidus savory, fr. sapere to taste: cf. F. insipide. See Savor.].

1.  Wanting in the qualities which affect the organs of taste; without taste or savor; vapid; tasteless; as, insipid drink or food. Boyle. [1913 Webster]

2.  Wanting in spirit, life, or animation; uninteresting; weak; vapid; flat; dull; heavy; as, an insipid woman; an insipid composition. [1913 Webster]
"Flat, insipid, and ridiculous stuff to him." [1913 Webster]
"But his wit is faint, and his salt, if I may dare to say so, almost insipid."

Syn. -- Tasteless; vapid; dull; spiritless; unanimated; lifeless; flat; stale; pointless; uninteresting.


insipid, adj.
1 lacking vigour or interest; dull.
2 lacking flavour; tasteless.

insipidity n. insipidly adv. insipidness n.

F insipide or LL insipidus (as IN-(1), sapidus SAPID)



N  dullness, heaviness, flatness, infestivity &c, stupidity want of originality, dearth of ideas, prose, matter of fact, heavy book, conte a dormir debout, platitude, dull, dull as ditch water, unentertaining, uninteresting, flat, dry as dust, unfunny, unlively, logy, unimaginative, insulse, dry as dust, prosy, prosing, prosaic, matter of fact, commonplace, pedestrian, pointless, weary stale flat and unprofitable, stupid, slow, flat, insipid, vapid, humdrum, monotonous, melancholic, stolid plodding, boring, tiresome, tedious, davus sum non Aedipus, deadly dull and boring, DDB.


N  indifference, neutrality, coldness, anaphrodisia, unconcern, insouciance, nonchalance, want of interest, want of earnestness, anorexy, anorexia, inappetency, apathy, supineness, disdain, recklessness, inattention, anaphrodisiac, antaphrodisiac, lust-quencher, passion-queller, indifferent, cold, frigid, lukewarm, cool, cool as a cucumber, unconcerned, insouciant, phlegmatic, pococurante, easygoing, devil-may- care, careless, listless, lackadaisical, half-hearted, unambitious, unaspiring, undesirous, unsolicitous, unattracted, aloof, unapproachable, remote, uncaring, unattractive, unalluring, undesired, undesirable, uncared for, unwished, unvalued, all one to, insipid, vain, for aught one cares, Int, never mind, Who cares? whatever you like, whatever, I couldn't care less, I could care less, anything will do, es macht nichts.


N  insipidity, blandness, tastelessness, bland, void of taste, insipid, tasteless, gustless, savorless, ingustible, mawkish, milk and water, weak, stale, flat, vapid, fade, wishy-washy, mild, untasted.