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Found 1 definition: leaf.

leaf top

Pos: Noun, Verb (usu participle), Verb (intransitive)

Noun leaf has 3 senses

1.  leaf(n = noun.plant) foliage, leafage - the main organ of photosynthesis and transpiration in higher plants;
is a kind of plant organ
has parts: venation, lobe, leaf form, leaf shape
has particulars: cataphyll, floral leaf, dandelion green, pitcher, sporophyl, sporophyll, blade, leaf blade, amplexicaul leaf, greenery, verdure, leaflet, frond, pad, scale, scale leaf, fig leaf, simple leaf, compound leaf, entire leaf, crenate leaf, serrate leaf, dentate leaf, emarginate leaf, erose leaf, runcinate leaf, lobed leaf, parallel-veined leaf, parted leaf, prickly-edged leaf, rosette
Derived forms verb leaf3, noun leaflet2, adjective leafy1

2.  leaf(n = noun.communication) folio - a sheet of any written or printed material (especially in a manuscript or book);
is a kind of piece of paper, sheet, sheet of paper
is a part of black and white, written communication, written language
has particulars: flyleaf, interleaf, page
Derived forms verb leaf2, verb leaf1, noun leaflet3

3.  leaf(n = noun.artifact) - hinged or detachable flat section (as of a table or door);
is a kind of
section, segment
is a part of dinner table
has particulars: drop-leaf
Derived form noun leaflet1

Verb leaf has 3 senses

1.  leaf(v = verb.perception) flick, flip, riff, riffle, thumb - look through a book or other written material; "He thumbed through the report"; "She leafed through the volume"
is one way to peruse
Derived form noun leaf2
Sample sentences: Somebody ----s PP

2.  leaf(v = verb.motion) - turn over pages; "leaf through a book"; "leaf a manuscript"
is one way to
turn, turn over
Derived form noun leaf2
Sample sentences: Somebody ----s something; Somebody ----s PP

3.  leaf(v = verb.body) - produce leaves, of plants;
is one way to
acquire, develop, get, grow, produce
Derived forms noun leaf1, noun leafage1
Sample sentences: Something ----s


leaf, n. [OE. leef, lef, leaf, AS. leáf; akin to S. l, OFries. laf, D. loof foliage, G. laub, OHG. loub leaf, foliage, Icel. lauf, Sw. löf, Dan. löv, Goth. laufs; cf. Lith. lapas. Cf. Lodge.].

1.  A colored, usually green, expansion growing from the side of a stem or rootstock, in which the sap for the use of the plant is elaborated under the influence of light; one of the parts of a plant which collectively constitute its foliage. [1913 Webster]
" Such leaves usually consist of a blade, or lamina , supported upon a leafstalk or petiole, which, continued through the blade as the midrib, gives off woody ribs and veins that support the cellular texture. The petiole has usually some sort of an appendage on each side of its base, which is called the stipule. The green parenchyma of the leaf is covered with a thin epiderm pierced with closable microscopic openings, known as stomata." [1913 Webster]

2.  A special organ of vegetation in the form of a lateral outgrowth from the stem, whether appearing as a part of the foliage, or as a cotyledon, a scale, a bract, a spine, or a tendril. [1913 Webster]
" In this view every part of a plant, except the root and the stem, is either a leaf, or is composed of leaves more or less modified and transformed." [1913 Webster]

3.  Something which is like a leaf in being wide and thin and having a flat surface, or in being attached to a larger body by one edge or end; [1913 Webster]
" They were both determined to turn over a new leaf." [1913 Webster]

Leaf beetle (Zoöl.), any beetle which feeds upon leaves; esp., any species of the family Chrysomelidæ, as the potato beetle and helmet beetle. -- Leaf bridge, a draw-bridge having a platform or leaf which swings vertically on hinges. -- Leaf bud (Bot.), a bud which develops into leaves or a leafy branch. -- Leaf butterfly (Zoöl.), any butterfly which, in the form and colors of its wings, resembles the leaves of plants upon which it rests; esp., butterflies of the genus Kallima, found in Southern Asia and the East Indies. -- Leaf crumpler (Zoöl.), a small moth (Phycis indigenella), the larva of which feeds upon leaves of the apple tree, and forms its nest by crumpling and fastening leaves together in clusters. -- Leaf fat, the fat which lies in leaves or layers within the body of an animal. -- Leaf flea (Zoöl.), a jumping plant louse of the family Psyllidæ. -- Leaf frog (Zoöl.), any tree frog of the genus Phyllomedusa. -- Leaf green.(Bot.) See Chlorophyll. -- Leaf hopper (Zoöl.), any small jumping hemipterous insect of the genus Tettigonia, and allied genera. They live upon the leaves and twigs of plants. See Live hopper. -- Leaf insect (Zoöl.), any one of several genera and species of orthopterous insects, esp. of the genus Phyllium, in which the wings, and sometimes the legs, resemble leaves in color and form. They are common in Southern Asia and the East Indies. -- Leaf lard, lard from leaf fat. See under Lard. -- Leaf louse (Zoöl.), an aphid. -- Leaf metal, metal in thin leaves, as gold, silver, or tin. -- Leaf miner (Zoöl.), any one of various small lepidopterous and dipterous insects, which, in the larval stages, burrow in and eat the parenchyma of leaves; as, the pear-tree leaf miner (Lithocolletis geminatella). -- Leaf notcher (Zoöl.), a pale bluish green beetle (Artipus Floridanus), which, in Florida, eats the edges of the leaves of orange trees. -- Leaf roller (Zoöl.), See leaf roller in the vocabulary. -- Leaf scar (Bot.), the cicatrix on a stem whence a leaf has fallen. -- Leaf sewer (Zoöl.), a tortricid moth, whose caterpillar makes a nest by rolling up a leaf and fastening the edges together with silk, as if sewn; esp., Phoxopteris nubeculana, which feeds upon the apple tree. -- Leaf sight, a hinged sight on a firearm, which can be raised or folded down. -- Leaf trace (Bot.), one or more fibrovascular bundles, which may be traced down an endogenous stem from the base of a leaf. -- Leaf tier (Zoöl.), a tortricid moth whose larva makes a nest by fastening the edges of a leaf together with silk; esp., Teras cinderella, found on the apple tree. -- Leaf valve, a valve which moves on a hinge. -- Leaf wasp (Zoöl.), a sawfly. -- To turn over a new leaf, to make a radical change for the better in one's way of living or doing. [Colloq.]

leaf, v. i.

   To shoot out leaves; to produce leaves; to leave; as, the trees leaf in May. Sir T. Browne. [1913 Webster]


leaf, n. & v.
--n. (pl. leaves)
1 a each of several flattened usu. green structures of a plant, usu. on the side of a stem or branch and the main organ of photosynthesis. b other similar plant structures, e.g. bracts, sepals, and petals (floral leaf).
2 a foliage regarded collectively. b the state of having leaves out (a tree in leaf).
3 the leaves of tobacco or tea.
4 a single thickness of paper, esp. in a book with each side forming a page.
5 a very thin sheet of metal, esp. gold or silver.
6 a the hinged part or flap of a door, shutter, table, etc. b an extra section inserted to extend a table.
1 intr. put forth leaves.
2 tr. (foll. by through) turn over the pages of (a book etc.).

leaf-green the colour of green leaves. leaf insect any insect of the family Phylliidae, having a flattened body leaflike in appearance. leaf-miner any of various larvae burrowing in leaves, esp. moth caterpillars of the family Gracillariidae. leaf-monkey a langur. leaf-mould soil consisting chiefly of decayed leaves. leaf spring a spring made of strips of metal. leaf-stalk a petiole.

leafage n. leafed adj. (also in comb.). leafless adj. leaflessness n. leaflike adj.

OE leaf f. Gmc



N  booklet, writing, work, volume, tome, opuscule, tract, tractate, livret, brochure, libretto, handbook, codex, manual, pamphlet, enchiridion, circular, publication, chap book, part, issue, number livraison, album, portfolio, periodical, serial, magazine, ephemeris, annual, journal, paper, bill, sheet, broadsheet, leaf, leaflet, fly leaf, page, quire, ream, chapter, section, head, article, paragraph, passage, clause, endpapers, frontispiece, cover, binding, folio, quarto, octavo, duodecimo, sextodecimo, octodecimo, encyclopedia, encompilation, library, bibliotheca, press, definitive work, treatise, comprehensive treatise (dissertation), writer, author, litterateur, essayist, journalism, pen, scribbler, the scribbling race, literary hack, Grub-street writer, writer for the press, gentleman of the press, representative of the press, adjective jerker, diaskeaust, ghost, hack writer, ink slinger, publicist, reporter, penny a liner, editor, subeditor, playwright, poet, bookseller, publisher, bibliopole, bibliopolist, librarian, bookstore, bookshop, bookseller's shop, knowledge of books, bibliography, book learning, among the giant fossils of my past, craignez tout d'un auteur en courroux, for authors nobler palms remain, I lived to write and wrote to live, look in thy heart and write, there is no Past so long as Books shall live, the public mind is the creation of the Master-Writ, volumes that I prize above my dukedom.


N  part, portion, dose, item, particular, aught, any, division, ward, subdivision, section, chapter, clause, count, paragraph, verse, article, passage, sector, segment, fraction, fragment, cantle, frustum, detachment, parcel, piece, lump, bit cut, cutting, chip, chunk, collop, slice, scale, lamina, small part, morsel, particle, installment, dividend, share, debris, odds and ends, oddments, detritus, excerpta, member, limb, lobe, lobule, arm, wing, scion, branch, bough, joint, link, offshoot, ramification, twig, bush, spray, sprig, runner, leaf, leaflet, stump, component part, sarmentum, compartment, department, county, fractional, fragmentary, sectional, aliquot, divided, in compartments, multifid, disconnected, partial, partly, in part, partially, piecemeal, part by part, by by installments, by snatches, by inches, by driblets, bit by bit, inch by inch, foot by foot, drop by drop, in detail, in lots.


N  layer, stratum, strata, course, bed, zone, substratum, substrata, floor, flag, stage, story, tier, slab, escarpment, table, tablet, dess, flagstone, board, plank, trencher, platter, plate, lamina, lamella, sheet, foil, wafer, scale, flake, peel, coat, pellicle, membrane, film, leaf, slice, shive, cut, rasher, shaving, integument, eschar, stratification, scaliness, nest of boxes, coats of an onion, monolayer, bilayer, trilayer, lamellar, lamellated, lamelliform, layered, laminated, laminiferous, micaceous, schistose, schistous, scaly, filmy, membranous, pellicular, flaky, squamous, foliated, foliaceous, stratified, stratiform, tabular, discoid, spathic, spathose, trilamellar, graphitic.


N  vegetable, vegetable kingdom, flora, verdure, plant, tree, shrub, bush, creeper, herb, herbage, grass, annual, perennial, biennial, triennial, exotic, timber, forest, wood, woodlands, timberland, hurst, frith, holt, weald, park, chase, greenwood, brake, grove, copse, coppice, bocage, tope, clump of trees, thicket, spinet, spinney, underwood, brushwood, scrub, boscage, bosk, ceja, chaparal, motte, arboretum, bush, jungle, prairie, heath, heather, fern, bracken, furze, gorse, whin, grass, turf, pasture, pasturage, turbary, sedge, rush, weed, fungus, mushroom, toadstool, lichen, moss, conferva, mold, growth, alfalfa, alfilaria, banyan, blow, blowth, floret, petiole, pin grass, timothy, yam, yew, zinnia, foliage, branch, bough, ramage, stem, tigella, spray, leaf, flower, blossom, bine, flowering plant, timber tree, fruit tree, pulse, legume, vegetable, vegetal, vegetive, vegitous, herbaceous, herbal, botanic, sylvan, silvan, arborary, arboreous, arborescent, arborical, woody, grassy, verdant, verdurous, floral, mossy, lignous, ligneous, wooden, leguminous, vosky, cespitose, turf-like, turfy, endogenous, exogenous, green-robed senators of mighty woods, this is the forest primeval.


abruptly-pinnate leaf, acerate leaf, acuminate leaf, amplexicaul leaf, bay leaf, bible leaf, bijugate leaf, bijugous leaf, bipinnate leaf, birch leaf miner, compound leaf, cordate leaf, crenate leaf, cuneate leaf, decompound leaf, deltoid leaf, dentate leaf, denticulate leaf, elliptic leaf, elongate leaf, emarginate leaf, ensiform leaf, entire leaf, erose leaf, even-pinnate leaf, fig leaf, flannel leaf, floral leaf, four-lined leaf bug, gold leaf, hastate leaf, japanese leaf, lanceolate leaf, leaf beet, leaf beetle, leaf blade, leaf blight, leaf bud, leaf bug, leaf cast, leaf cutter, leaf disease, leaf fat, leaf form, leaf insect, leaf lard, leaf lettuce, leaf miner, leaf mold, leaf mould, leaf mustard, leaf out, leaf roller, leaf scorch, leaf shape, leaf soil, leaf spring, linear leaf, lion's leaf, lobed leaf, lyrate leaf, oak leaf, oak leaf cluster, oblanceolate leaf, oblong leaf, obovate leaf, obtuse leaf, odd-pinnate leaf, orbiculate leaf, ovate leaf, paint leaf, painted leaf, palmate leaf, pandurate leaf, panduriform leaf, parallel-veined leaf, parted leaf, pedate leaf, peltate leaf, perfoliate leaf, pine leaf aphid, pinnate leaf, prickly-edged leaf, quinquefoliate leaf, reniform leaf, runcinate leaf, sagittiform leaf, satin leaf, scale leaf, seed leaf, serrate leaf, simple leaf, spatulate leaf, sumatra leaf, tansy leaf aster, tea leaf, trifoliolate leaf, turn over a new leaf, walking leaf