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Found 1 definition: petal.

petal top

Pos: Noun

Noun petal has 1 senses

   petal(n = noun.plant) flower petal - part of the perianth that is usually brightly colored;
is a kind of floral leaf
is a part of corolla
Derived form adjective petalous1


petal, n. [Gr. a leaf, a leaf or plate of metal, fr. outspread, broad, flat: cf. F. pétale. See Fathom.].

1.  One of the leaves of the corolla, or the colored leaves of a flower. See Corolla, and Illust. of Flower. [1913 Webster]

2.  One of the expanded ambulacra which form a rosette on the black of certain Echini. [1913 Webster]


petal, n. each of the parts of the corolla of a flower.

petaline adj. petalled adj. (also in comb.). petal-like adj. petaloid adj.

mod.L petalum, in LL metal plate f. Gk petalon leaf f. petalos outspread


flower petal