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Found 1 definition: sane.

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Pos: Adjective

Adjective sane has 2 senses

1.  sane(a = adj.all) - mentally healthy; free from mental disorder; "appears to be completely sane"
Derived forms noun saneness1, noun sanity1

2.  sane(s = adj.all) reasonable - marked by sound judgment; "sane nuclear policy"
Derived form noun saneness1


sane, a. [L. sanus; cf. Gr. , , safe, sound. Cf. Sound, a.].

1.  Being in a healthy condition; not deranged; acting rationally; -- said of the mind. [1913 Webster]

2.  Mentally sound; possessing a rational mind; having the mental faculties in such condition as to be able to anticipate and judge of the effect of one's actions in an ordinary maner; -- said of persons. [1913 Webster]

Syn. -- Sound; healthy; underanged; unbroken.


sane, adj.
1 of sound mind; not mad.
2 (of views etc.) moderate; sensible.

sanely adv. saneness n.

L sanus healthy



N  sanity, soundness, rationality, sobriety, lucidity, lucid interval, senses, sober senses, right mind, sound mind, mens sana, sane, rational, reasonable, compos mentis, of sound mind, sound, sound-minded, lucid, self-possessed, sober, sober-minded, in one's sober senses, in one's right mind, in possession of one's faculties, sanely.