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Found 1 definition: subsidy.

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Pos: Noun

Noun subsidy has 1 senses

   subsidy(n = noun.possession) - a grant paid by a government to an enterprise that benefits the public; "a subsidy for research in artificial intelligence"
is a kind of
has particulars: subvention, price support
Derived forms verb subsidise2, verb subsidize1


subsidy, n. [L. subsidium the troops stationed in reserve in the third line of battlem reserve, support, help, fr. subsidere to sit down, lie in wait: cf. F. subside. See Subside.].

1.  Support; aid; coöperation; esp., extraordinary aid in money rendered to the sovereign or to a friendly power. [1913 Webster]
" Subsidies were taxes, not immediately on on property, but on persons in respect of their reputed estates, after the nominal rate of 4s. the pound for lands, and 2s. 8d. for goods." Blackstone. [1913 Webster]
"They advised the king to send speedy aids, and with much alacrity granted a great rate of subsidy." [1913 Webster]

2.  Specifically: A sum of money paid by one sovereign or nation to another to purchase the coöperation or the neutrality of such sovereign or nation in war. [1913 Webster]

3.  A grant from the government, from a municipal corporation, or the like, to a private person or company to assist the establishment or support of an enterprise deemed advantageous to the public; a subvention; as, a subsidy to the owners of a line of ocean steamships. [1913 Webster]

Syn. -- Tribute; grant.


subsidy, n. (pl. -ies)
1 a money granted by the State or a public body etc. to keep down the price of commodities etc. (housing subsidy). b money granted to a charity or other undertaking held to be in the public interest. c any grant or contribution of money.
2 money paid by one State to another in return for military, naval, or other aid.
3 hist. a a parliamentary grant to the sovereign for State needs. b a tax levied on a particular occasion.

ME f. AF subsidie, OF subside f. L subsidium assistance



N  giving, bestowal, bestowment, donation, presentation, presentment, accordance, concession, delivery, consignment, dispensation, communication, endowment, investment, investiture, award, almsgiving, charity, liberality, generosity, gift, donation, present, cadeau, fairing, free gift, boon, favor, benefaction, grant, offering, oblation, sacrifice, immolation, lagniappe, pilon, grace, act of grace, bonus, allowance, contribution, subscription, subsidy, tribute, subvention, bequest, legacy, devise, will, dotation, dot, appanage, voluntary settlement, voluntary conveyance, amortization, alms, largess, bounty, dole, sportule, donative, help, oblation, offertory, honorarium, gratuity, Peter pence, sportula, Christmas box, Easter offering, vail, douceur, drink money, pourboire, trinkgeld, bakshish, fee, consideration, bribe, bait, ground bait, peace offering, handsel, boodle, graft, grease, blat, giver, grantor, donor, feoffer, settlor, giving, given, allowed, allowable, concessional, communicable, charitable, eleemosynary, sportulary, tributary, gratis, donative, auctor pretiosa facit, ex dono, res est ingeniosa dare.


N  expenditure, money going out, out goings, out lay, expenses, disbursement, prime cost, circulation, run upon a bank, payment, pay, bribe, fee, footing, garnish, subsidy, tribute, contingent, quota, donation, pay in advance, earnest, handsel, deposit, installment, investment, purchase, expending, expended, sumptuary, vectigalia nervos esse reipublicae.