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Found 1 definition: at any cost.

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Adverbial at any cost has 1 senses

   at any cost(r = adv.all) at all costs, at any expense - regardless of the cost involved; "he wanted to save her life at all cost"



N  resolution, determination, will, iron will, unconquerable will, will of one's own, decision, resolution, backbone, clear grit, true grit, grit, sand, strength of mind, strength of will, resolve, firmness, energy, manliness, vigor, game, pluck, resoluteness, zeal, aplomb, desperation, devotion, devotedness, mastery over self, self control, self command, self possession, self reliance, self government, self restraint, self conquest, self denial, moral courage, moral strength, perseverance, tenacity, obstinacy, bulldog, British lion, resolved, determined, strong-willed, strong-minded, resolute, self-possessed, decided, definitive, peremptory, tranchant, unhesitating, unflinching, unshrinking, firm, iron, gritty, indomitable, game to the backbone, inexorable, relentless, not to be shaken, not to be put down, tenax propositi, inflexible, obstinate, steady, earnest, serious, set upon, bent upon, intent upon, steel against, proof against, in utrumque paratus, resolutely, in earnest, in good earnest, seriously, joking apart, earnestly, heart and soul, on one's mettle, manfully, like a man, with a high hand, with a strong hand, at any rate, at any risk, at any hazard, at any price, at any cost, at any sacrifice, at all hazards, at all risks, at all events, a' bis ou a blanc, cost what it may, coute, a tort et a travers, once for all, neck or nothing, rain or shine, spes sibi quisque, celui qui veut celui-la peut, chi non s'arrischia non guadagna, frangas non flectes, manu forti, tentanda via est.


any, any longer, any old way, at any expense, at any rate, average cost, beyond any doubt, borrowing cost, by any means, capital cost, carrying cost, cost, cost accountant, cost accounting, cost analysis, cost cutting, cost increase, cost ledger, cost of capital, cost of living, cost overrun, differential cost, distribution cost, fixed cost, for any price, handling cost, in any case, in any event, incremental cost, marginal cost, marginal cost of production, marketing cost, operating cost, opportunity cost, production cost, replacement cost, reproduction cost, unit cost