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Found 1 definition: aureate.

aureate top

Pos: Adjective

Adjective aureate has 2 senses

1.  aureate(s = adj.all) flamboyant, florid - elaborately or excessively ornamented; "flamboyant handwriting"; "the senator's florid speech"

2.  aureate(s = adj.all) gilded, gilt, gold, golden - having the deep slightly brownish color of gold; "long aureate (or golden) hair"; "a gold carpet"


aureate, a. [L. aureatus, fr. aureus golden, fr. aurum gold.].

   Golden; gilded. Skelton. [1913 Webster]


aureate, adj.
1 golden, gold-coloured.
2 resplendent.
3 (of a language) highly ornamented.

ME f. LL aureatus f. L aureus golden f. aurum gold



N  yellowness, yellow, or, gamboge, cadmium-yellow, chrome-yellow, Indian-yellow king's-yellow, lemonyellow, orpiment, yellow ocher, Claude tint, aureolin, xanthein, xanthin, zaofulvin, crocus, saffron, topaz, xanthite, yolk, jaundice, London fog, yellowness, icterus, xantho- cyanopia, xanthopsia, yellow, aureate, golden, flavous, citrine, fallow, fulvous, fulvid, sallow, luteous, tawny, creamy, sandy, xanthic, xanthous, jaundiced, auricomous, gold-colored, citron-colored, saffron-colored, lemon-colored, lemon yellow, sulphur-colored, amber-colored, straw-colored, primrose- colored, creamcolored, xanthocarpous, xanthochroid, xanthopous, yellow as a quince, yellow as a guinea, yellow as a crow's foot, warm, advancing.