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Found 1 definition: bastard indigo.

bastard indigo top

Pos: Noun Phrase

Noun bastard indigo has 3 senses

1.  bastard indigo(n = noun.plant) tephrosia purpurea - East Indian shrub;
is a kind of hoary pea

2.  bastard indigo(n = noun.plant) amorpha fruticosa, false indigo - dense shrub of moist riverbanks and flood plains of the eastern United States having attractive fragrant foliage and dense racemes of dark purple flowers;
is a kind of amorpha

3.  bastard indigo(n = noun.plant) amorpha californica, false indigo - an erect to spreading hairy shrub of the Pacific coast of the United States having racemes of red to indigo flowers;
is a kind of amorpha


bastard, bastard feverfew, bastard lignum vitae, bastard pennyroyal, bastard pimpernel, bastard ridley, bastard title, bastard toadflax, bastard turtle, bastard wing, bastard yellowwood, blue false indigo, eastern indigo snake, false indigo, indigo, indigo bird, indigo broom, indigo bunting, indigo finch, indigo plant, indigo snake, indigo squill, white false indigo, wild indigo