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Found 1 definition: bonnet rouge.

bonnet rouge top

Pos: Noun Phrase

bonnet rouge, [F.].

   The red cap adopted by the extremists in the French Revolution, which became a sign of patriotism at that epoch; hence, a revolutionist; a Red Republican. [Webster 1913 Suppl.]



N  disobedience, insubordination, contumacy, infraction, infringement, violation, noncompliance, nonobservance, revolt, rebellion, mutiny, outbreak, rising, uprising, insurrection, emeute, riot, tumult, strike, barring out, defiance, mutinousness, mutineering, sedition, treason, high treason, petty treason, misprision of treason, premunire, lese majeste, violation of law, defection, secession, insurgent, mutineer, rebel, revolter, revolutionary, rioter, traitor, quisling, carbonaro, sansculottes, red republican, bonnet rouge, communist, Fenian, frondeur, seceder, secessionist, runagate, renegade, brawler, anarchist, demagogue, Spartacus, Masaniello, Wat Tyler, Jack Cade, ringleader, disobedient, uncomplying, uncompliant, unsubmissive, unruly, ungovernable, breachy, insubordinate, impatient of control, incorrigible, restiff, restive, refractory, contumacious, recusant, recalcitrant, resisting, lawless, mutinous, seditions, insurgent, riotous, unobeyed, unbidden, seditiosissimus quisque ignavus, unthread the rude eye of rebellion.


baton rouge, baton rouge bridge, blue bonnet, bonnet, bonnet head, bonnet macaque, bonnet monkey, bonnet shark, bride's bonnet, glengarry bonnet, khmer rouge, lip rouge, old-maid's bonnet, poke bonnet, rouge, rouge dragon, rouge et noir, rouge plant