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Found 1 definition: brat.

brat top

Pos: Noun

Noun brat has 2 senses

1.  brat(n = noun.person) holy terror, little terror, terror - a very troublesome child;
is a kind of imp, monkey, rapscallion, rascal, scalawag, scallywag, scamp
Derived form adjective bratty1

2.  brat(n = noun.food) bratwurst - a small pork sausage;
is a kind of pork sausage


brat, n. [OE. bratt coarse garnment, AS. bratt cloak, fr. the Celtic; cf. W. brat clout, rag, Gael. brat cloak, apron, rag, Ir. brat cloak; properly then, a child's bib or clout; hence, a child.].

1.  A coarse garment or cloak; also, coarse clothing, in general. Chaucer. [1913 Webster]

2.  A coarse kind of apron for keeping the clothes clean; a bib. Wright. [1913 Webster]

3.  A child; an offspring; -- formerly used in a good sense, but now usually in a contemptuous sense. Swift. [1913 Webster]
"O Israel! O household of the Lord!
O Abraham's brats! O brood of blessed seed!
" [1913 Webster]

4.  The young of an animal. L'Estrange. [1913 Webster]

brat, n.

   A thin bed of coal mixed with pyrites or carbonate of lime. [1913 Webster]



N  infant, babe, baby, babe in arms, nurseling, suckling, yearling, weanling, papoose, bambino, kid, vagitus, child, bairn, little one, brat, chit, pickaninny, urchin, bantling, bratling, elf, youth, boy, lad, stripling, youngster, youngun, younker, callant, whipster, whippersnapper, whiffet, schoolboy, hobbledehoy, hopeful, cadet, minor, master, scion, sap, seedling, tendril, olive branch, nestling, chicken, larva, chrysalis, tadpole, whelp, cub, pullet, fry, callow, codlin, codling, foetus, calf, colt, pup, foal, kitten, lamb, lambkin, aurelia, caterpillar, cocoon, nymph, nympha, orphan, pupa, staddle, girl, lass, lassie, wench, miss, damsel, demoiselle, maid, maiden, virgin, hoyden, infantine, infantile, puerile, boyish, girlish, childish, babyish, kittenish, baby, newborn, unfledged, new-fledged, callow, in the cradle, in swaddling clothes, in long clothes, in arms, in leading strings, at the breast, in one's teens.


army brat