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Found 1 definition: brit.

brit top

Pos: Noun

Noun brit has 3 senses

1.  brit(n = noun.person) britisher, briton - a native or inhabitant of Great Britain;
is a kind of european
is a member of gb, great britain
has particulars: english person, patrial

2.  brit(n = noun.animal) britt - the young of a herring or sprat or similar fish;
is a kind of young fish

3.  brit(n = noun.animal) britt - minute crustaceans forming food for right whales;
is a kind of copepod, copepod crustacean


brit, n.

   The young of the common herring; also, a small species of herring; the sprat. [1913 Webster]


brit, n. colloq. a British person.
