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Found 1 definition: burst forth.

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Verb burst forth has 3 senses

1.  burst forth(v = verb.motion) leap out, rush out, sally out - jump out from a hiding place and surprise (someone); "The attackers leapt out from the bushes"
is one way to appear
Sample sentences: Somebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody

2.  burst forth(v = verb.change) break loose, explode - be unleashed; emerge with violence or noise; "His anger exploded"
is one way to change state, turn
Sample sentences: Something ----s; Somebody ----s

3.  burst forth(v = verb.change) effloresce - come into or as if into flower; "These manifestations effloresced in the past"
is one way to bloom, blossom, flower
Sample sentences: Something ----s



VB  begin, start, commence, conceive, open, dawn, set in, take its rise, enter upon, enter, set out, embark in, incept, initiate, launch, inaugurate, inchoate, rise, arise, originate, usher in, lead off, lead the way, take the lead, take the initiative, head, stand at the head, stand first, stand for, lay the foundations, found, set up, set on foot, agoing, set abroach, set the ball in motion, apply the match to a train, broach, open up, open the door to, get underway, set about, get to work, set to work, set to, make a beginning, make a start, handsel, take the first step, lay the first stone, cut the first turf, break ground, break the ice, break cover, pass the Rubicon, cross the Rubicon, open fire, open the ball, ventilate, air, undertake, come into existence, come into the world, make one's debut, take birth, burst forth, break out, spring up, spring forth, crop up, pop up, appear, materialize, begin at the beginning, begin ab ovo, begin again, begin de novo, start afresh, make a fresh start, take it from the top, shuffle the cards, reshuffle the cards, resume, recommence.


VB  become larger &c (large), expand, widen, enlarge, extend, grow, increase, incrassate, swell, gather, fill out, deploy, take open order, dilate, stretch, distend, spread, mantle, wax, grow up, spring up, bud, bourgeon, shoot, sprout, germinate, put forth, vegetate, pullulate, open, burst forth, gain flesh, gather flesh, outgrow, spread like wildfire, overrun, be larger than, surpass, render larger &c (large), expand, spread, extend, aggrandize, distend, develop, amplify, spread out, widen, magnify, rarefy, inflate, puff, blow up, stuff, pad, cram, exaggerate, fatten.


VB  be become visible, appear, open to the view, meet the eye, catch the eye, basset, present itself, show manifest itself, produce itself, discover itself, reveal itself, expose itself, betray itself, stand forth, stand out, materialize, show, arise, peep out, peer out, crop out, start up, spring up, show up, turn up, crop up, glimmer, loom, glare, burst forth, burst upon the view, burst upon the sight, heave in sight, come in sight, come into view, come out, come forth, come forward, see the light of day, break through the clouds, make its appearance, show its face, appear to one's eyes, come upon the stage, float before the eyes, speak for itself, attract the attention, reappear, live in a glass house, expose to view.


and so forth, back and forth, blossom forth, body forth, break forth, bring forth, burgeon forth, burst, burst in, burst in on, burst out, burst upon, call forth, cast forth, come forth, firth of forth, forth, forth river, give forth, go forth, hold forth, issue forth, move back and forth, pour forth, put forth, sally forth, sallying forth, send forth, set forth, stretch forth, travel back and forth