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Found 1 definition: butchery.

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Pos: Noun

Noun butchery has 3 senses

1.  butchery(n = noun.artifact) abattoir, shambles, slaughterhouse - a building where animals are butchered;
is a kind of building, edifice
Derived form verb butcher1

2.  butchery(n = noun.act) butchering - the business of a butcher;
is a kind of business, business enterprise, commercial enterprise
has parts: slaughter
Derived form verb butcher1

3.  butchery(n = noun.act) carnage, mass murder, massacre, slaughter - the savage and excessive killing of many people;
is a kind of execution, murder, slaying
has particulars: battue, bloodbath, bloodletting, bloodshed, alamo, battle of little bighorn, battle of the little bighorn, custer's last stand, little bighorn
Derived form verb butcher1


butchery, n. [OE. bocherie shambles, fr. F. boucherie. See Butcher, n.].

1.  The business of a butcher. [1913 Webster]

2.  Murder or manslaughter, esp. when committed with unusual barbarity; great or cruel slaughter. Shak. [1913 Webster]
"The perpetration of human butchery." [1913 Webster]

3.  A slaughterhouse; the shambles; a place where blood is shed. [1913 Webster]
"Like as an ox is hanged in the butchery." [1913 Webster]

Syn. -- Murder; slaughter; carnage. See Massacre.


butchery, n. (pl. -ies)
1 needless or cruel slaughter (of people).
2 the butcher's trade.
3 a slaughterhouse.

ME f. OF boucherie (as BUTCHER)



N  killing, homicide, manslaughter, murder, assassination, trucidation, iccusion, effusion of blood, blood, blood shed, gore, slaughter, carnage, butchery, battue, massacre, fusillade, noyade, thuggery, Thuggism, deathblow, finishing stroke, coup de grace, quietus, execution, judicial murder, martyrdom, butcher, slayer, murderer, Cain, assassin, terrorist, cutthroat, garroter, bravo, Thug, Moloch, matador, sabreur, guet-a-pens, gallows, executioner, man-eater, apache, hatchet man, highbinder, regicide, parricide, matricide, fratricide, infanticide, feticide, foeticide, uxoricide, vaticide, suicide, felo de se, hara-kiri, suttee, Juggernath, immolation, auto da fe, holocaust, suffocation, strangulation, garrote, hanging, lapidation, deadly weapon, Aceldama, slaughtering, phthisozoics, sport, sporting, the chase, venery, hunting, coursing, shooting, fishing, pig- sticking, sportsman, huntsman, fisherman, hunter, Nimrod, slaughterhouse, meat packing plant, shambles, abattoir, fatal accident, violent death, casualty, killing, murderous, slaughterous, sanguinary, sanguinolent, blood stained, blood thirsty, homicidal, red handed, bloody, bloody minded, ensanguined, gory, thuggish, mortal, fatal, lethal, dead, deadly, mortiferous, lethiferous, unhealthy internecine, suicidal, sporting, piscatorial, piscatory, in at the death, assassination has never changed the history of the.