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Found 1 definition: carpal.

carpal top

Pos: Noun

Noun carpal has 1 senses

   carpal(n = noun.body) carpal bone, wrist bone - any of the eight small bones of the wrist of primates;
is a kind of bone, os
is a part of articulatio radiocarpea, carpus, radiocarpal joint, wrist, wrist joint
has particulars: navicular, os scaphoideum, scaphoid bone, lunate bone, os lunatum, semilunar bone, cuneiform bone, os triquetrum, pyramidal bone, triquetral, triquetral bone, os pisiforme, pisiform, pisiform bone, os trapezium, trapezium, trapezium bone, os trapezoideum, trapezoid, trapezoid bone, capitate, capitate bone, os capitatum, hamate, hamate bone, os hamatum, unciform bone

Adjective carpal has 1 senses

   carpal(a = adj.pert) - of or relating to the wrist; "Carpal tunnel syndrome"
Derived form noun


carpal, a. [From Carpus.].

   Of or pertaining to the carpus, or wrist. [1913 Webster]

Carpal angle (Zoöl.), the angle at the last joint of the folded wing of a bird.


carpal, adj. & n.
--adj. of or relating to the bones in the wrist.
--n. any of the bones forming the wrist.



carpal bone, carpal tunnel, carpal tunnel syndrome