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Found 1 definition: caruncle.

caruncle top

Pos: Noun

Noun caruncle has 1 senses

   caruncle(n = noun.body) caruncula - an outgrowth on a plant or animal such as a fowl's wattle or a protuberance near the hilum of certain seeds;
is a kind of appendage, outgrowth, process
has particulars: lappet, wattle
Derived forms adjective caruncular1, adjective carunculous1


caruncle, n. [L. caruncula a little piece of flesh, dim. of caro flesh.].

1.  A small fleshy prominence or excrescence; especially the small, reddish body, the caruncula lacrymalis, in the inner angle of the eye. [1913 Webster]

2.  An excrescence or appendage surrounding or near the hilum of a seed. [1913 Webster]

3.  A naked, flesh appendage, on the head of a bird, as the wattles of a turkey, etc. [1913 Webster]


caruncle, n.
1 Zool. a fleshy excrescence, e.g. a turkeycock's wattles or the red prominence at the inner angle of the eye.
2 Bot. an outgrowth from a seed near the micropyle.

caruncular adj.

obs. F f. L caruncula f. caro carnis flesh



N  convexity, prominence, projection, swelling, gibbosity, bilge, bulge, protuberance, protrusion, camber, cahot, thank-ye-ma'am, swell, intumescence, tumour, tumor, tubercle, tuberosity, excrescence, hump, hunch, bunch, boss, embossment, hub, hubble, tooth, knob, elbow, process, apophysis, condyle, bulb, node, nodule, nodosity, tongue, dorsum, bump, clump, sugar loaf, bow, mamelon, molar, belly, corporation, pot belly, gut, withers, back, shoulder, lip, flange, pimple, zit, wen, wheel, papula, pustule, pock, proud flesh, growth, sarcoma, caruncle, corn, wart, pappiloma, furuncle, polypus, fungus, fungosity, exostosis, bleb, blister, blain, boil, airbubble, blob, papule, verruca, papilla, nipple, teat, tit, titty, boob, knocker, pap, breast, dug, mammilla, proboscis, nose, neb, beak, snout, nozzle, schnoz, peg, button, stud, ridge, rib, jutty, trunnion, snag, cupola, dome, arch, balcony, eaves, pilaster, relief, relievo, cameo, bassorilievo, mezzorilevo, altorivievo, low relief, bas relief, high relief, hill, cape, promontory, mull, forehead, foreland, point of land, mole, jetty, hummock, ledge, spur, naze, ness, convex, prominent, protuberant, projecting, bossed, embossed, bossy, nodular, bunchy, clavate, clavated, claviform, hummocky, moutonne, mammiliform, papulous, papilose, hemispheric, bulbous, bowed, arched, bold, bellied, tuberous, tuberculous, tumous, cornute, odontoid, lentiform, lenticular, gibbous, club shaped, hubby, hubbly, knobby, papillose, saddle-shaped, selliform, subclavate, torose, ventricose, verrucose, salient, in relief, raised, repousse, bloated, (expanded).