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Found 1 definition: cere.

cere top

Pos: Noun, Verb (transitive)

Noun cere has 1 senses

   cere(n = noun.animal) - the fleshy, waxy covering at the base of the upper beak of some birds;
is a kind of
beak, bill, neb, nib, pecker

Verb cere has 1 senses

   cere(v = verb.contact) - wrap up in a cerecloth; "cere a corpse"
is one way to
wrap, wrap up
Sample sentences: Somebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody


cere, n. [L. cera wax: cf. F. cire.].

   The soft naked sheath at the base of the beak of birds of prey, parrots, and some other birds. See Beak. [1913 Webster]

cere, v. t. [L. cerare, fr. cera wax: cf. F. cirer.].

   To wax; to cover or close with wax. Wiseman. [1913 Webster]


cere, n. a waxy fleshy covering at the base of the upper beak in some birds.

L cera wax