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Found 1 definition: commando.

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Pos: Noun

Noun commando has 2 senses

1.  commando(n = noun.person) ranger - a member of a military unit trained as shock troops for hit-and-run raids;
is a kind of man, military man, military personnel, serviceman

2.  commando(n = noun.group) - an amphibious military unit trained for raids into enemy territory;
is a kind of
force, military force, military group, military unit
has particulars: sayeret, sayeret mat'kal, sayeret matkal, sas, special air service


commando, n. [D. See Command, v. t.].

1.  In South Africa, a military body or command; also, sometimes, an expedition or raid; as, a commando of a hundred Boers.
"The war bands, called commandos, have played a great part in the . . . military history of the country." [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

2.  a usually small military unit trained to perform special missions, often behind enemy lines, and usually employing hit-and-run tactics. Such units often have the destruction of fixed targets, such as enemy installations, as their mission, in contrast to normal combat units which engage the enemy army directly. [PJC]

3.  a member of a commando{2} unit. [PJC]


commando, n. (pl. -os) Mil.
1 a a unit of British amphibious shock troops. b a member of such a unit. c a similar unit or member of such a unit elsewhere.
2 a a party of men called out for military service. b a body of troops.
3 (attrib.) of or concerning a commando (a commando operation).

Port. f. commandar COMMAND