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Found 1 definition: commiserate.

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Pos: Verb (usu participle)

Verb commiserate has 1 senses

   commiserate(v = verb.emotion) sympathise, sympathize - to feel or express sympathy or compassion;
is one way to compassionate, condole with, feel for, pity, sympathize with
Derived forms noun commiseration2, noun commiseration1, adjective commiserative1
Sample sentences: Sam and Sue commiserate


commiserate, v. t. [L. commiseratus, p. p. of commiserari to commiserate; com- + miserari to pity. See Miserable.].

   To feel sorrow, pain, or regret for; to pity. [1913 Webster]
"Then must we those, who groan, beneath the weight
Of age, disease, or want, commiserate.
" [1913 Webster]
"We should commiserate our mutual ignorance."

Syn. -- To pity; compassionate; lament; condole.


commiserate, v.
1 intr. (usu. foll. by with) express or feel pity.
2 tr. archaic express or feel pity for (commiserate you on your loss).

commiseration n. commiserative adj. commiserator n.

L commiserari (as COM-, miserari pity f. miser wretched)



VB  pity, have pity, show pity, take pity, commiserate, compassionate, condole, sympathize, feel for, be sorry for, yearn for, weep, melt, thaw, enter into the feelings of, forbear, relent, relax, give quarter, wipe the tears, parcere subjectis, give a coup de gr=ace, put out of one's misery, raise pity, excite pity, touch, soften, melt, melt the heart, propitiate, disarm, ask for mercy, supplicate, cry for quarter, beg one's life, kneel, deprecate.