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Found 1 definition: complemental.

complemental top

Pos: Adjective

Adjective complemental has 1 senses

   complemental(s = adj.all) complementary, completing - acting as or providing a complement (something that completes the whole);
Derived forms noun complement4, noun complement6, noun complement3


complemental, a.

1.  Supplying, or tending to supply, a deficiency; fully completing. Prynne. [1913 Webster]

2.  Complimentary; courteous. Shak. [1913 Webster]

Complemental air (Physiol.), the air (averaging 100 cubic inches) which can be drawn into the lungs in addition to the tidal air, by the deepest possible inspiration. -- Complemental males (Zoöl.), peculiar small males living parasitically on the ordinary hermaphrodite individuals of certain barnacles.



N  correlation, reciprocalness, reciprocity, reciprocation, mutuality, correlation, interdependence, interrelation, connection, link, association, interchange, exchange, barter, reciprocator, reprocitist, reciprocal, mutual, commutual, correlative, reciprocative, interrelated, closely related, alternate, interchangeable, interdependent, international, complemental, complementary, mutually, mutatis mutandis, vice versa, each other, one another, by turns, reciprocally, happy in our mutual help.