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Found 1 definition: crepuscular.

crepuscular top

Pos: Adjective

Adjective crepuscular has 1 senses

   crepuscular(s = adj.all) - like twilight; dim; "the evening's crepuscular charm"
Derived forms noun crepuscle1, noun crepuscule1


crepuscular, a. [Cf. F. crépusculaire.].

1.  Pertaining to twilight; glimmering; hence, imperfectly clear or luminous. [1913 Webster]
"This semihistorical and crepuscular period." [1913 Webster]

2.  Flying in the twilight or evening, or before sunrise; -- said certain birds and insects. [1913 Webster]
"Others feed only in the twilight, as bats and owls, and are called crepuscular." [1913 Webster]


crepuscular, adj.
1 a of twilight. b dim.
2 Zool. appearing or active in twilight.

L crepusculum twilight



N  dimness, darkness, paleness, half light, demi-jour, partial shadow, partial eclipse, shadow of a shade, glimmer, gliming, nebulosity, cloud, eclipse, aurora, dusk, twilight, shades of evening, crepuscule, cockshut time, break of day, daybreak, dawn, moonlight, moonbeam, moonglade, moonshine, starlight, owl's light, candlelight, rushlight, firelight, farthing candle, dim, dull, lackluster, dingy, darkish, shorn of its beams, dark, faint, shadowed forth, glassy, cloudy, misty, blear, muggy, fuliginous, nebulous, nebular, obnubilated, overcast, crepuscular, muddy, lurid, leaden, dun, dirty, looming, pale, confused.