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Found 1 definition: curtailment.

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Pos: Noun

Noun curtailment has 3 senses

1.  curtailment(n = noun.attribute) - the temporal property of being cut short;
is a kind of
Derived form verb curtail2

2.  curtailment(n = noun.act) suppression - the act of withholding or withdrawing some book or writing from publication or circulation; "a suppression of the newspaper"
is a kind of restraint

3.  curtailment(n = noun.act) downsizing, retrenchment - the reduction of expenditures in order to become financially stable;
is a kind of economy, saving


curtailment, n.

   The act or result of curtailing or cutting off. Bancroft. [1913 Webster]



N  nonaddition, subtraction, subtraction, subduction, deduction, retrenchment, removal, withdrawal, ablation, sublation, abstraction, garbling mutilation, detruncation, amputation, abscission, excision, recision, curtailment, minuend, subtrahend, decrease, abrasion, subtracted, subtractive, in deduction, less, short of, minus, without, except, except for, excepting, with the exception of, barring, save, exclusive of, save and except, with a reservation, not counting, if one doesn't count.


N  shortness, brevity, littleness, a span, shortening, abbreviation, abbreviature, abridgment, concision, retrenchment, curtailment, decurtation, reduction, epitome, elision, ellipsis, conciseness, abridger, epitomist, epitomizer, short, brief, curt, compendious, compact, stubby, scrimp, shorn, stubbed, stumpy, thickset, pug, chunky, decurtate, retrousse, stocky, squab, squabby, squat, dumpy, little, curtailed of its fair proportions, short by, oblate, concise, summary, shortly, in short.