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Found 1 definition: dictyopterous insect.

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Noun dictyopterous insect has 1 senses

   dictyopterous insect(n = noun.animal) - cockroaches and mantids;
is a kind of
is a member of dictyoptera, order dictyoptera
has particulars: cockroach, roach, mantid, mantis


coccid insect, cochineal insect, dipterous insect, hemipterous insect, heteropterous insect, homopterous insect, hymenopterous insect, insect, insect bite, insect powder, insect repellant, insect repellent, leaf insect, lepidopterous insect, neuropterous insect, orthopterous insect, phasmid insect, psocopterous insect, scale insect, spittle insect, stick insect, thysanopterous insect, thysanuran insect, trichopterous insect, wax insect