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Found 1 definition: duct tape.

duct tape top


Noun duct tape has 1 senses

   duct tape(n = noun.artifact) - a wide silvery adhesive tape intended to seal joints in sheet metal duct work but having many other uses; "duct tape holds the world together"
is a kind of
adhesive tape


adhesive tape, air duct, bile duct, cassette tape, cellulose tape, common bile duct, duct, duct gland, ejaculatory duct, epithelial duct, friction tape, hepatic duct, insulating tape, lachrymal duct, lacrimal duct, lactiferous duct, mag tape, magnetic tape, masking tape, nasolacrimal duct, pancreatic duct, paper tape, red tape, salivary duct, scotch tape, seminal duct, sweat duct, tape, tape cartridge, tape deck, tape drive, tape grass, tape machine, tape measure, tape memory, tape player, tape record, tape recorder, tape recording, tape transport, tear duct, thoracic duct, ticker tape, ticker tape parade