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Found 1 definition: dutch courage.

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Pos: Noun Phrase

Noun dutch courage has 1 senses

   dutch courage(n = noun.attribute) - courage resulting from intoxication;
is a kind of
braveness, bravery, courage, courageousness



N  cowardice, pusillanimity, cowardliness, timidity, effeminacy, poltroonery, baseness, dastardness, dastardy, abject fear, funk, Dutch courage, fear, white feather, faint heart, cold feet, yellow streak, coward, poltroon, dastard, sneak, recreant, shy cock, dunghill cock, coistril, milksop, white liver, lily liver, nidget, one that cannot say 'boo' to a goose, slink, Bob Acres, Jerry Sneak, alarmist, terrorist, pessimist, runagate, coward, cowardly, fearful, shy, timid, timorous, skittish, poor- spirited, spiritless, soft, effeminate, weak-minded, infirm of purpose, weak-hearted, fainthearted, chickenhearted, henhearted, lilyhearted, pigeon-hearted, white- livered, lily-livered, milk-livered, milksop, smock-faced, unable to say 'boo' to a goose, dastard, dastardly, base, craven, sneaking, dunghill, recreant, unwarlike, unsoldier-like, in face a lion but in heart a deer, unmanned, frightened, Int, sauve qui peut!, every man for himself!, devil take the hindmost!, ante tubam trepidat, one's courage oozing out, degeneres animos timor arguit.


courage, double dutch, dutch, dutch auction, dutch capital, dutch case-knife bean, dutch clover, dutch door, dutch east indies, dutch elm, dutch elm disease, dutch elm fungus, dutch florin, dutch guiana, dutch hoe, dutch iris, dutch leonard, dutch monetary unit, dutch oven, dutch people, dutch treat, dutch uncle, go dutch, in dutch, pennsylvania dutch, south african dutch