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Found 1 definition: early winter cress.

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Noun early winter cress has 1 senses

   early winter cress(n = noun.plant) american cress, american watercress, barbarea praecox, barbarea verna, belle isle cress, land cress - of southwestern Europe; cultivated in Florida;
is a kind of scurvy grass, st. barbara's herb, winter cress
is a part of barbarea, genus barbarea


american cress, austrian winter pea, belle isle cress, bitter cress, chamois cress, common garden cress, cress, cress green, cress plant, early, early bird, early childhood, early coral root, early days, early morel, early on, early purple orchid, early spider orchid, early wake-robin, early warning radar, early warning system, garden cress, garden pepper cress, indian cress, land cress, madeira winter cherry, marsh cress, meadow cress, mouse-ear cress, nuclear winter, par'a0 cress, purple cress, rock cress, rocket cress, spring cress, stone cress, tower cress, water cress, winter, winter aconite, winter cherry, winter cress, winter crookneck, winter crookneck squash, winter currant, winter fern, winter flounder, winter flowering cherry, winter hazel, winter heath, winter heliotrope, winter jasmine, winter melon, winter melon vine, winter mushroom, winter olympic games, winter olympics, winter purslane, winter rose, winter savory, winter savoury, winter solstice, winter squash, winter squash plant, winter sweet, winter urn, winter wren