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Found 1 definition: en.

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Pos: Noun

Noun en has 1 senses

   en(n = noun.quantity) nut - half the width of an em;
is a kind of linear measure, linear unit
is a part of em, pica, pica em


en, n.

   Half an em, that is, half of the unit of space in measuring printed matter. See Em. [1913 Webster]


en, n. Printing a unit of measurement equal to half an em.

en rule (or dash) a short dash used in punctuation.

name of the letter N


egg en cocotte, en bloc, en clair, en deshabille, en famille, en garde, en masse, en passant, en rapport, en route, en route to, filet de boeuf en croute, lev'82e en masse, levy en masse, mise en scene