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Found 1 definition: enlace.

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Pos: Verb (transitive)

Verb enlace has 1 senses

   enlace(v = verb.contact) entwine, interlace, intertwine, lace, twine - spin,wind, or twist together; "intertwine the ribbons"; "Twine the threads into a rope"; "intertwined hearts"
is one way to distort, twine, twist
Sample sentences: Somebody ----s something


enlace, v. t.

   To bind or encircle with lace, or as with lace; to lace; to encircle; to enfold; hence, to entangle. [1913 Webster]
"Ropes of pearl her neck and breast enlace." [1913 Webster]


enlace, v.tr.
1 encircle tightly.
2 entwine.
3 enfold.

enlacement n.

ME f. OF enlacier ult. f. L laqueus noose