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Found 1 definition: eviction.

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Pos: Noun

Noun eviction has 2 senses

1.  eviction(n = noun.act) constructive eviction - action by a landlord that compels a tenant to leave the premises (as by rendering the premises unfit for occupancy); no physical expulsion or legal process is involved;
is a kind of coercion, compulsion
Derived form verb evict1

2.  eviction(n = noun.act) dispossession, legal ouster - the expulsion of someone (such as a tenant) from the possession of land by process of law;
is a kind of due process, due process of law
has particulars: ouster, actual eviction, retaliatory eviction
Derived form verb evict2


eviction, n. [L. evictio: cf. F. éviction.].

1.  The act or process of evicting; or state of being evicted; the recovery of lands, tenements, etc., from another's possession by due course of law; dispossession by paramount title or claim of such title; ejectment; ouster. [1913 Webster]

2.  Conclusive evidence; proof. [1913 Webster]
"Full eviction of this fatal truth." [1913 Webster]



N  taking, reception, deglutition, appropriation, prehension, prensation, capture, caption, apprehension, deprehension, abreption, seizure, expropriation, abduction, ablation, subtraction, withdrawal, abstraction, ademption, adrolepsy, dispossession, deprivation, deprivement, bereavement, divestment, disherison, distraint, distress, sequestration, confiscation, eviction, rapacity, rapaciousness, extortion, vampirism, theft, resumption, reprise, reprisal, recovery, clutch, swoop, wrench, grip, haul, take, catch, scramble, taker, captor, subduction, taking, privative, prehensile, predaceous, predal, predatory, predatorial, lupine, rapacious, raptorial, ravenous, parasitic, bereft, at one fell swoop, give an inch and take an ell.


N  ejection, emission, effusion, rejection, expulsion, exportation, eviction, extrusion, trajection, discharge, emesis, vomiting, vomition, egestion, evacuation, ructation, eructation, bloodletting, venesection, phlebotomy, paracentesis, expuition, exspuition, tapping, drainage, clearance, clearage, deportation, banishment, rouge's march, relegation, extradition, dislodgment, bouncer, chucker-out, vomit, vomitus, puke, barf, emitting, emitted Int, begone!, get you gone!, get away, go away, get along, go along, get along with you, go along with you!, go your way!, away with!, off with you!, get the hell out of here!, go about your business!, be off!, avaunt!, aroynt!, allez-vous-en!, jao!, va-t'en!.


actual eviction, constructive eviction, retaliatory eviction