feather star(n = noun.animal) comatulid - free-swimming stalkless crinoid with ten feathery arms; found on muddy sea bottoms;
is a kind of crinoid
is a member of antedon, genus antedon
american star grass, basket star, binary star, blazing star, blue star, bog star, brittle star, bronze star, bronze star medal, christmas star, contour feather, dense blazing star, dog star, double star, down feather, evening star, feather, feather ball, feather bed, feather boa, feather geranium, feather one's nest, feather palm, feather reed grass, film star, fixed star, flare star, flight feather, giant star, giant star grass, golden star, guiding star, morning star, movie star, multiple star, neutron star, north star, north star state, opera star, operatic star, polar star, pole star, prairie star, primary feather, prince-of-wales feather, princess feather, quill feather, red dwarf star, red giant star, rock star, saddle feather, sea feather, sea star, serpent star, shooting star, sickle feather, silver star, silver star medal, star, star anise, star aniseed, star apple, star begonia, star chamber, star chart, star crossed, star divination, star drift, star drill, star earthball, star fruit, star grass, star ipomoea, star jasmine, star magnolia, star of david, star of the veldt, star sapphire, star saxifrage, star shell, star sign, star spangled, star stereogram, star topology, star tulip, sun star, tail feather, television star, texas star, track star, tv star, variable star, water feather, water star grass, white dwarf star, white feather, woodland star