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Found 1 definition: femoral nerve.

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Noun femoral nerve has 1 senses

   femoral nerve(n = noun.body) anterior crural nerve, nervus femoralis - one of a pair of nerves that originate from lumbar nerves and supply the muscles and skin of the anterior part of the thigh;
is a kind of nervus spinalis, spinal nerve
is a part of thigh


abdominal nerve plexus, abducens nerve, abducent nerve, accessory nerve, acoustic nerve, afferent nerve, anterior crural nerve, auditory nerve, cervical nerve, circumflex femoral vein, coccygeal nerve, cranial nerve, cubital nerve, depressor nerve, efferent nerve, eighth cranial nerve, eleventh cranial nerve, facial nerve, femoral, femoral artery, femoral biceps, femoral pulse, femoral vein, fifth cranial nerve, first cranial nerve, fourth cranial nerve, free nerve ending, glossopharyngeal nerve, hypoglossal nerve, lumbar nerve, medullated nerve fiber, motor nerve, motor nerve fiber, musculospiral nerve, myelinated nerve fiber, nerve, nerve agent, nerve block anaesthesia, nerve block anesthesia, nerve cell, nerve center, nerve centre, nerve compression, nerve deafness, nerve end, nerve ending, nerve entrapment, nerve fiber, nerve fibre, nerve gas, nerve growth factor, nerve impulse, nerve pathway, nerve plexus, nerve tissue, nerve tract, ninth cranial nerve, oculomotor nerve, olfactory nerve, optic nerve, organophosphate nerve agent, phrenic nerve, pneumogastric nerve, radial nerve, sacral nerve, saphenous nerve, sciatic nerve, second cranial nerve, sensory nerve, seventh cranial nerve, sixth cranial nerve, spinal nerve, splanchnic nerve, tenth cranial nerve, third cranial nerve, thoracic nerve, trigeminal nerve, trochlear nerve, twelfth cranial nerve, ulnar nerve, vagus nerve, vestibulocochlear nerve, wandering nerve