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Found 2 definition: fireman, axe.

fireman top

Pos: Noun

Noun fireman has 4 senses

1.  fireman(n = noun.act) - play in which children pretend to put out a fire;
is a kind of
child's play, play

2.  fireman(n = noun.person) stoker - a laborer who tends fires (as on a coal-fired train or steamship);
is a kind of jack, laborer, labourer, manual laborer

3.  fireman(n = noun.person) relief pitcher, reliever - a pitcher who does not start the game;
is a kind of hurler, pitcher, twirler
has particulars: closer, finisher

4.  fireman(n = noun.person) fire fighter, fire-eater, firefighter - a member of a fire department who tries to extinguish fires;
is a kind of defender, guardian, protector, shielder
is a member of fire department
has particulars: fire chief, fire marshal, fire warden, forest fire fighter, ranger


fireman, n.

1.  A man whose business is to extinguish fires in towns; a member of a fire company. [1913 Webster]

2.  A man who tends the fires, as of a steam engine; a stocker. [1913 Webster]


fireman, n. (pl. -men)
1 a member of a fire brigade; a person employed to extinguish fires.
2 a person who tends a furnace or the fire of a steam engine or steamship.



N  traveler, wayfarer, voyager, itinerant, passenger, commuter, tourist, excursionist, explorer, adventurer, mountaineer, hiker, backpacker, Alpine Club, peregrinator, wanderer, rover, straggler, rambler, bird of passage, gadabout, gadling, vagrant, scatterling, landloper, waifs and estrays, wastrel, foundling, loafer, tramp, tramper, vagabond, nomad, Bohemian, gypsy, Arab, Wandering Jew, Hadji, pilgrim, palmer, peripatetic, somnambulist, emigrant, fugitive, refugee, beach comber, booly, globegirdler, globetrotter, vagrant, hobo, night walker, sleep walker, noctambulist, runabout, straphanger, swagman, swagsman, trecker, trekker, zingano, zingaro, runner, courier, Mercury, Iris, Ariel, comet, pedestrian, walker, foot passenger, cyclist, wheelman, rider, horseman, equestrian, cavalier, jockey, roughrider, trainer, breaker, driver, coachman, whip, Jehu, charioteer, postilion, postboy, carter, wagoner, drayman, cabman, cabdriver, voiturier, vetturino, condottiere, engine driver, stoker, fireman, guard, chauffeur, conductor, engineer, gharry-wallah, gari-wala, hackman, syce, truckman, on the road.


N  refrigeration, infrigidation, reduction of temperature, cooling, congelation, conglaciation, ice, solidification, ice box (refrigerator), extincteur, fire annihilator, amianth, amianthus, earth- flax, mountain-flax, flexible asbestos, fireman, fire brigade (incombustibility), incombustibility, incombustibleness, (insulation), air conditioning, central air conditioning, air conditioner, fan, attic fan, dehumidifier, cooled, frozen out, cooling, frigorific.


N  insulation, fire extinction, insulation, incombustible material, noncombustible material, fire retardant, flame retardant, fire wall, fire door, incombustibility, incombustibleness, extincteur, fire annihilator, amianth, amianthus, earth-flax, mountain-flax, asbestos, fireman, fire fighter, fire eater, fire department, fire brigade, engine company, pumper, fire truck, hook and ladder, aerial ladder, bucket, fire hose, fire hydrant, backfire, firebreak, trench, aerial water bombardment, wet blanket, fire extinguisher, soda and acid extinguisher, dry chemical extinguisher, CO-two extinguisher, carbon tetrachloride, foam, sprinklers, automatic sprinkler system, fire bucket, sand bucket, fire alarm, evacuation alarm, fire code, fire regulations, fire, fire inspector, code violation, citation, incombustible, nonflammable, uninflammable, unflammable, fireproof, fight fire with fire.


visiting fireman

axe top

Pos: Noun, Verb (transitive)

Noun axe has 1 senses

   axe(n = noun.artifact) ax - an edge tool with a heavy bladed head mounted across a handle;
is a kind of edge tool
has parts: ax handle, axe handle, ax head, axe head, blade, haft, helve
has particulars: broadax, broadaxe, common ax, common axe, dayton ax, dayton axe, double-bitted ax, double-bitted axe, western ax, western axe, fireman's ax, fireman's axe, hatchet, ice ax, ice axe, piolet, poleax, poleaxe
Derived form verb axe1

Verb axe has 2 senses

1.  axe(v = verb.contact) ax - chop or split with an ax; "axe wood"
is one way to chop, hack
Derived form noun axe1
Sample sentences: They axe the trees

2.  axe(v = verb.change) ax - terminate; "The NSF axed the research program and stopped funding it"
is one way to end, terminate
Sample sentences: Somebody ----s something


axe, n. [OE. ax, axe, AS. eax, æx, acas; akin to D. akse, OS. accus, OHG. acchus, G. axt, Icel. öx, öxi, Sw. yxe, Dan. ökse, Goth. aqizi, Gr. 'axi`nh, L. ascia; not akin to E. acute.].

   A tool or instrument of steel, or of iron with a steel edge or blade, for felling trees, chopping and splitting wood, hewing timber, etc. It is wielded by a wooden helve or handle, so fixed in a socket or eye as to be in the same plane with the blade. The broadax, or carpenter's ax, is an ax for hewing timber, made heavier than the chopping ax, and with a broader and thinner blade and a shorter handle. [1913 Webster]
"The ancient battle-ax had sometimes a double edge." [1913 Webster]
" The word is used adjectively or in combination; as, axhead or ax head; ax helve; ax handle; ax shaft; ax-shaped; axlike." [1913 Webster]
"This word was originally spelt with e, axe; and so also was nearly every corresponding word of one syllable: as, flaxe, taxe, waxe, sixe, mixe, pixe, oxe, fluxe, etc. This superfluous e is not dropped; so that, in more than a hundred words ending in x, no one thinks of retaining the e except in axe. Analogy requires its exclusion here." [1913 Webster]
"“The spelling ax is better on every ground, of etymology, phonology, and analogy, than axe, which has of late become prevalent.” New English Dict. (Murray)." New English Dict. (Murray). [1913 Webster]


   See Ax, Axman. [1913 Webster]


axe, n. & v. (US ax)
1 a chopping-tool, usu. of iron with a steel edge and wooden handle.
2 the drastic cutting or elimination of expenditure, staff, etc.
--v.tr. (axing)
1 cut (esp. costs or services) drastically.
2 remove or dismiss.

axe-breaker a hard-wooded Australian tree. an axe to grind private ends to serve.

OE {aelig}x f. Gmc


axe handle, axe head, common axe, dayton axe, double-bitted axe, fireman's axe, give the axe, hand axe, ice axe, lochaber axe, western axe