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Found 1 definition: fisher cat.

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Noun fisher cat has 1 senses

   fisher cat(n = noun.animal) black cat, fisher, martes pennanti, pekan - large dark brown North American arboreal carnivorous mammal;
is a kind of marten, marten cat


abyssinian cat, alley cat, angora cat, bear cat, bell the cat, big cat, black cat, blue cat, blue channel cat, burmese cat, caffer cat, calico cat, cat, cat and mouse, cat and rat, cat bear, cat box, cat burglar, cat chow, cat cracker, cat fancier, cat flea, cat food, cat o' nine tails, cat rig, cat scan, cat scanner, cat scratch disease, cat shark, cat sleep, cat squirrel, cat suit, cat thyme, cat valium, channel cat, cheshire cat, civet cat, coon cat, copy cat, domestic cat, egyptian cat, fat cat, fisher, flying cat, fossa cat, fraidy cat, house cat, jaguarundi cat, jungle cat, kaffir cat, leopard cat, let the cat out of the bag, madagascar cat, maltese cat, manx cat, margay cat, marten cat, miner's cat, mud cat, native cat, pallas's cat, palm cat, panther cat, persian cat, ring-tailed cat, sand cat, scaredy cat, sea cat, siamese cat, tabby cat, tiger cat, true cat