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Found 1 definition: gallic.

gallic top

Pos: Adjective

Adjective gallic has 2 senses

1.  gallic(a = adj.pert) - of or pertaining to Gaul or the Gauls; "Ancient Gallic dialects"; "Gallic migrations"; "the Gallic Wars"
Derived form noun

2.  gallic(a = adj.pert) french - of or pertaining to France or the people of France; "French cooking"; "a Gallic shrug"
Derived form noun gaul1


gallic, a. [From Gallium.].

   Pertaining to, or containing, gallium. [1913 Webster]

gallic, a. [From Gall the excrescence.].

   Pertaining to, or derived from, galls, nutgalls, and the like. [1913 Webster]

Gallic acid (Chem.), an organic acid, very widely distributed in the vegetable kingdom, being found in the free state in galls, tea, etc., and produced artificially. It is a white, crystalline substance, C6H2(HO)3.CO2H, with an astringent taste, and is a strong reducing agent, as employed in photography. It is usually prepared from tannin, and both give a dark color with iron salts, forming tannate and gallate of iron, which are the essential ingredients of common black ink.

gallic, a. [L. Gallicus belonging to the Gauls, fr. Galli the Gauls, Gallia Gaul, now France: cf. F. gallique.].

   Pertaining to Gaul or France; Gallican. [1913 Webster]


gallic, adj.
1 French or typically French.
2 of the Gauls; Gaulish.

Gallicize v.tr. & intr. (also -ise).

L Gallicus f. Gallus a Gaul


gallic acid